HONG KONG (AFP) – Hong Kong clinics said they saw an increase in demand for children's vaccines on Tuesday (July 24) after a security scandal that shook mainland China
However, vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, administered to infants and infants, also proved to be substandard, with doses already sold and administered
. Questions about the safety of the entire Chinese vaccine industry have prompted some parents to seek treatment in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.
The city is already known for safer drugs than mainland China. after the health scandals on the border.
A private Hong Kong clinic in Tsim Sha Tsui Mall reported receiving hundreds of calls and messages, about six times the rate. "explosive", saying that it was mainly relatives of mainland China who were looking for vaccines imported from countries other than China
. the vaccines are in Hong Kong, "Ho said, adding that the clinic's vaccines came from England, France and the US
A woman who gave her name to Ms. Yin, from Shenzhen in southern mainland China, brought her two-year-old son to the clinic for three different types of vaccines
"We are concerned about the quality of domestic vaccines," Yin said. who claimed to have spent $ 5,000 HK ($ 870) inoculations: PCV13 that protects against pneumococcal bacteria, Japanese encephalitis and ACWY vaccination to protect against meningitis.
She said that she had made an appointment for the PCV13 jab before the crisis broke out, but had added the other inoculations for good measure of the scandal.
Another man from Guangdong in the south of China, who gave his name of Chan family said that he had brought his elderly son a year in a private clinic in the same area for inoculation of PCV13. "I feel very lucky that we have come here, we have more confidence in Hong Kong," Chan said at AFP
. The Hong Kong Sanatorium's private hospital said it had seen an increase in demands and had contacted suppliers to ensure "a stable supply of vaccines."
The Hong Kong Department of Health said that he would closely monitor the supply of vaccines to the public and private health care sectors, but that he was stable for the time being.
Ms. Scarlett Pong, President of the Pharmaceutical Society, Added: There was an established information network linking Hong Kong clinics with clients from Mainland China.
"There are agents who help them make an appointment and who knows where to get help. information like the doctor. "(d, s, id) {
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