Diego Maradona excuses in front of the referee's Slur British-England


Diego Maradona is excused from being questioned about the impartiality of the referee in charge of England's win over the 16 shots against Colombia . The Argentine legend was laid in hot water with FIFA because of its excesses over the US official Mark Geiger when he described England 's victory Tuesday as "flying to armed hand ". But after a strong reprimand from the governing body of football, the 1986 World Cup winner posted a mea culpa on Instagram. "Taken by the excitement and support to Colombia the other day, I said some things that, I admit, are unacceptable." 19659002 "My apologies to FIFA and its president (Gianni Infantino): even though sometimes my opinions are different"

He admits that "although I sometimes have opinions contrary to those of the referees have absolute respect for the work – not easy – that (FIFA) and the "

Maradona, who pronounced in favor of Colombia after the premature elimination of Argentina, blamed Geiger for the loss of the South American side in a bad-temper case

He told Venezuelan television channel Telesur: I apologize to all the Colombian people, but the players are not not to blame

"Here is a gentleman (Pierluigi Collina, the boss of the FIFA referees) who decides to choose a referee who, if he has googled, will not be used for a match of this magnitude. "

Geiger was susp He retired from international football for six months after several controversial decisions during a semi-final Gold Cup between Panama and Mexico in 2015.

Maradona had attended to the Colombia-England match as a FIFA guest and had been photographed before Moscow.

FIFA had responded, saying that it was "extremely sorry" to read the comments of "a player who has writes the story of our game. "

He added:" In addition, he also considers the additional comments and innuendo made as entirely inappropriate and completely unfounded. "

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