Doctors explained how to avoid wet feet


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Just follow a few simple steps.

It has happened to wet my feet in bad weather. Doctors are regularly reminded that feet must always be warm, otherwise immunity will weaken and cause a runny nose, a cold, a cough, reports with reference to PolitekA.

Take a hot shower

The heat helps to restore the body's defenses. It is important not to overheat, do not SuperCool after. A good assistant will be a honey shower gel, it is helpful to do a light massage of the back and chest. This will improve the blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs.

If this is not possible, it is important to warm up at least the wet feet. This should keep them in hot water and wear woolen socks.

Eat a lemon

Vitamin C helps fight bacteria and viruses. A dose of vitamin load that you can get by drinking a few ascorbic acid tablets or by eating a lemon. People with gastritis and peptic ulcer, it is best to drink askorbinku.

Rinse the nose, gargle

Colds begin with the activation of the microflora of the nasal mucosa and tonsils. In autumn, the decline of local immunity has often incorporated viruses. We think the cold, and actually move the respiratory viral infection. The best way to get rid of viruses at an early stage – mechanical. Well bismarkia nose, rinse with water and hypoallergenic soap. Several times gargle with an antiseptic solution, usually applied with angina pectoris or acute exacerbations of tonsillitis.

Honey tea

The warm-up should not only be outside but in the inside. The best option is hot tea with a few spoons of honey. Honey accelerates the metabolism and raises even slightly the body temperature.

Controversial 50 grams

People are of the opinion that after hypothermia, you have to drink something strong, and doctors who deny regularly. The truth, as always, in the middle. Alcohol, like honey, helps in the excretion and excretion of urine and thus contributes to detoxification. In addition, in small doses, stimulates the immune system.

A great option is to make homemade mulled wine. The essential – it's time to stop and not to drink a lot of alcohol, because in this case the effect on the immune system is already overwhelming and the alcohol can itself be a source of toxins.

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