Doctors have called an unusual way to increase its activity


Медики назвали необычный способ повысить свою активностьHow to quickly regain energy

There is a rather unusual way to effectively increase your activity – drink coffee and NAP after that. This was stated by the researcher of sleep Chin Mo Zhou from Canada.

According to her, caffeine and sleep have one thing in common – they increase the activity and improve certain activities. In particular, we are talking about driving, work and study.

How is that possible? Researchers conducted a study among volunteers with sleep disorders. The participants drank a big Cup of coffee, and after 5 minutes went to take a NAP for 15 minutes. After that they checked on the care with driving tests on the simulator.

The consumption of coffee (without sleep) have improved driving skills, and the combination of caffeine with a short sleep increased them even more.

When you drink coffee the caffeine a while in the stomach before you get to the small intestine. This is where the caffeine is absorbed and distributed through the body. Such a process, from drinking to absorption takes about 45 minutes
– the author writes.

Accordingly, the flow of energy from the caffeine is faster – about half an hour after drinking. And if you drink coffee 15 minutes before a short sleep, it will not affect the ability to sleep – the body will not feel the effect of caffeine.

Expert opinion: if you drink a Cup of coffee before a short sleep, you will have more energy after waking up, which is enough for 4-5 hours. But remember that for vigor and performance, it is better to sleep well. Sleep is important for brain and the entire body.

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