Doctors told how to cough and sneeze to not infect others


Медики рассказали, как кашлять и чихать, чтобы не заразить другихThe basic rules of hygiene in the season of SARS is clean hands and face.

When sneezing and coughing people who become ill SARS, releases a lot of viruses in the environment. However, these viruses are unstable and quickly die (especially on the street). In the room where it is warm and humid, they will live longer. Contrary to popular belief, often the infection is not transmitted from the sneeze, and through the hands. Why is this happening?

A simple example: children are taught to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze to not infect anyone. However, what happens then? A child with these hands takes toys or utensils, then they will take another child, and then he, like all children, will receive hand to mouth. So you will pass the virus.

In addition, not everyone is sneezing and coughing of infectious people. In SARS, the symptoms may persist for up to 14 days, however, this does not mean you have to spend two weeks at home. The maximum amount of virus secreted in the first days of the disease, and after three to five days, the patient is not dangerous to others.

How to sneeze and cough

Right – cover your nose and mouth but not with his hand, as many are accustomed, and elbow. Even better – disposable cloth. So you will prevent the transmission of infection to other people through the handrail in the subway, telephone receivers, utensils and the like. It is important when sneezing not to pinch the nostrils and blow your nose to hard, otherwise you’ll lay ears.

Another bad habit is to hold back the sneezing. This is the unconditioned reflex, aimed at cleansing of the nasal cavity. When SARS mucosa is irritated, a person sneezes more often than usual. Yes, and it can be annoying, but it is easier to breathe.

If you are in the midst of a cold need to go down into the subway, you can protect others and wear a mask. But to change it you need every 15 minutes, otherwise it will become ineffective. Be prepared for the fact that breathing through the mask it won’t be easy. And Yes, from the alien infection, it will not protect you.

What else can be done so as not to infect and not get infected yourself

Wash your hands should not only after the metro, visiting the toilet, blowing your nose and before eating, and as often as possible. Necessarily with soap at least 20 seconds. Thoroughly flush the space between the fingers and under the nails. Not to wash hands with a stopwatch, you can double-sing myself a tune Happy Birthday. Still should be less likely to touch your face with your hands.

Important and treatment of frequently used items napkins with descrestion. The worst thing is our mobile phone, in second place – door handle, followed by computer mouse and keyboard.

Additionally, you need to create for the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth comfortable. The house should be cool (about 17 degrees) and humid (40%). In this mode the protective function of the mucous is running at 100%. – Will not help in the anti-virus folk remedies like garlic and tea tree oil.

What to do if you sneezed in transport

After returning home, wash your hands with soap and face. Next is to hope your immune system. Viruses have different levels of infectivity, namely the ability to cause disease in all or part of the population. Our immune system successfully fights with some of them. To take better care of her in advance, not when you have someone sneezed: healthy eating, regular exercise and adequate sleep play an important role.

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