Driver in a fatal bicycle accident fined, forbidden to drive for 3 years


SINGAPORE: A 62-year-old man who accidentally drove his bike three years ago, causing his death, was fined $ 9,000 on Tuesday, July 10.

It was also forbidden to detain or obtain

Tee Thiam Chye was driving her car along the Ophir road to East Coast Parkway around 6:30 pm on May 23 2015, to meet his friends at breakfast. [19659002] It rustled at the time and the surface of the road was wet, according to court documents.

Approaching the junction of Ophir Road and Beach Road, he was traveling at a speed between 83kmh and 91kmh. The speed limit along Ophir Road is 60 km / h

He noticed that the lights were green in his favor and maintained that speed when he crossed the junction.

At the same time, 78-year-old cyclist Abdul Rahim Abdullah started cycling through the three lanes of the pedestrian crossing.

He was driving from Tee's left to Tee's right and crossing the road on a red signal.

Tee saw the cyclist and shouted at him, but could not stop on time and collided with the cyclist.

At 6:36, police received a call from a member of the public who said: a cyclist C & # 39; is an old man and I think he's already dead. "

The 78-year-old man was injured several times and was declared dead at the scene by an ambulance attendant at 7am

.Tee's car and the deceased's bicycle were both inspected and no inherent mechanical defects were discovered. [19659002] Tee also stated that he did not feel tired or sleepy at the time of the accident. A toxicological report of his blood samples was "mundane", according to court documents

Tee pleaded guilty to an indictment of causing the death of the cyclist by a negligent act not constituting culpable homicide

. to two years and a fine for causing death by negligent act not constituting culpable homicide.

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