Escape while diving "not suitable" yet for boys in Thai cave: Official, Southeast Asia News & Top Stories


MAE SAI, Thailand (AFP) – The 12 Thai boys locked in a cave are not yet ready to dive in the complex, said the commander of the rescue mission Saturday, July 7, although heavy rains may

"The boys are not suitable … they can not dive right now," Narongsak Osottanakorn, who is leading the operation, told reporters just after midnight in English.

Narongsak, a former governor of the northern province of Chiang Rai where the cave is located, said that it was not expected to train the boys and their coach of the day at next day, but if the monsoon rains fell. They got up in the cave of Tham Luang over the next few days and they could change their plans.

The commander of Thailand's Navy Seal said rescuers may have "limited time" to try to get the group out. monsoon period in the cave can not

But the path to freedom is extremely dangerous for boys, some of whom are unable to swim and have no diving experience in a low visibility environment that confuses even the most skilled.

Navy Seal helping the rescue died after running out of oxygen on Friday, raising fears that it was far from safe for the kids to make the attempt.

The round trip in and out of the cave to reach the boys can take a

But some said that the team was at Tham Luang before their coach and themselves n & # 39; 39 entered it on June 23 and were trapped by the floodwater, which could help the familiar terrain.

They received basic training by breathing through the diving equipment after being located on a muddy embankment in the cave Monday night, looking lean and weak.

The saga has captivated Thailand and the rest of the world are pumping massive amounts of water to help ease the dive.

Despite the mild weather, light rains returned on Friday.

The parents of the trapped children held long vigils at the camp, which is full of

But families could only hear their children through images uploaded to the Navy Seal's Facebook page

. Messages of support for the "Wild Boars" team came from all over the world. , including football stars in Russia for the World Cup.

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