Feast of the Republic: Donald Trump refusing the invitation to the Republic Day: American emissary


US Ambassador to India, Kenneth Juster, said on Thursday that the inability of President Donald Trump to participate as a keynote guest at the Republic Day celebrations in India. next year was a "purely programmed question".

Trump declined India's invitation to be the main guest of the parade, citing pressing commitments, including his State of the Union address (SOTU), to about the same time that India will celebrate Republic Day on January 26th.

Asked that Trump rejects India's invitation, India has reportedly signed an agreement with Russia on S-400 missile defense systems. Juster, speaking in front of a reporter on the sidelines of an event, said, "No, it is a purely programmed problem."

Earlier this week, a White House spokeswoman, questioned over Trump's decision, said: "President Trump has been honored by the invitation of Prime Minister Modi to be the guest Republic Day main event in India, January 26, 2019, but was unable to attend due to scheduling constraints. "

Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited Trump to visit India during their talks in Washington in June 2017.

Every year, India invites world leaders to attend its Republic Day celebrations.

In 2015, the then US President, Barack Obama, was present as the main guest. It was his second visit to India as US President.

Juster said, "These are issues that our two governments are discussing and working on together."

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