Five times, companies cast off celebrities as brand ambassadors, as they did with a Kuwaiti fashion blogger in the rank of racism


Max Factor and other brands distanced themselves from Kuwaiti fashion blogger Sondos Alqattan after posting racist comments about Filipino workers in the country.

Alqattan, who has more than 2.3 million followers on Instagram, complains about foreign domestic helpers asking for a day off a week and new regulations that allow them to keep their passports while they work. in the Gulf State.

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"How can you have a servant at home who keeps his own passport with them?" The online influencer asked his followers. "Even worse, they have a day off each week," she continues.

Alqattan was heavily criticized, many accusing him of perpetuating modern slavery, and beauty brands quickly broke up with the online blogger. She's not the only celebrity to have fallen out of favor with brands because of what they've done or said.

Lil Wayne and Mountain Dew

The rapper was widely convicted in 2013 after including in the lyrics of one of his songs, a rude reference to Emmett Till, 14 , who became a symbol of the civil rights movement in the United States after being tortured and killed in 1955.

Mountain Dew cuts ties with the music star after the controversy. "His offensive reference to a venerated civil rights icon does not reflect the values ​​of our brand," the company said in a statement, according to The Rolling Stone .

This was not the first time that the soft drink company is warming up for its collaborations with rap musicians. A few days before Lil Wayne's incident, Mountain Dew had to take a place created by Tyler, the brand's creator, after criticizing the fact that it minimized violence against women and encouraged racial stereotypes .

Whoopi Goldberg Slim-Fast

The Slim-Fast diet aid manufacturer probably bet on his safety: he named Whoopi Goldberg, the only one in the world. one of the most beloved American celebrities, as a spokesperson. But things go sour when Goldberg makes a series of jokes about US President George W. Bush in 2004 at a fundraiser organized by Democrats in New York

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Despite criticism, Goldberg stood firm, remarking that she had joked "about all the presidents over the past 20 years, from Reagan to Carter, from Clinton to Bush"

. I appreciate what Slim-Fast people have to do to protect their business, I must also do what I have to do as an artist, as a writer and as an artist. American, not to mention comics, "she said. 19659002]

Michael Phelps and Kellogg & # 39; s

The cereal brand quickly distanced itself from the gold medalist after a photo of the Olympic swimmer using a bong to smoke illicit drugs.

"Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg," said the company in a statement, CNBC (19659002). The fall of Phelps took place in early 2009, a few months after the Olympic swimmer won eight gold medals. the Beijing Olympics.

Lance Armstrong, Livestrong, and Nike

"[Lance Armstrong] misled Nike for more than a decade," said the company in October 2012 , while evidence of the development of doping has been known for seven years. [19659002AssemblyofGeneralGeneralReactionArmstrongdecideappointingitspoliticalpresidentoftheTrongCharitywasgoverningthecancerwhichcreatein1997afind"sparingtheAfondationNotAffect" The Guardian . It took Nike a few months to decide to conclude its nine-year collaboration with Livestrong, which generated millions of dollars for the foundation and popularized the yellow Livestrong bracelet around the world.

Donald Trump and NBC, Univision, Macy's …

The President of the United States began his presidential campaign in 2016 with breathtaking remarks stating that Mexican migrants to United States were "rapists" and "murderers".

Comments were widely condemned, and several companies working with Trump and his companies decided to end their collaborations.

More specifically, NBC, the television channel on which Trump became famous for his role in The apprentice decided to tell the candidate "You are fired". He abandoned all the associations with the real estate mogul. The Spanish-language network Univision for its part cut ties with the Miss Universe organization owned by Trump

Similarly, the Macy's chain store has decided to stop selling Donald Trump's clothing line. . Of course, the move triggered a very Trumpian response on Twitter, with the then-caller calling for a boycott of the chain of department stores:

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