Foods that help headaches (and others that do not really do it)


So you've just discovered that canned wine and cheap whiskey do not mix well, and you have the headache to prove it. Headaches are not always related to the party, but they are always disappointing, and they are unfortunately very common. It is estimated that about half of the adults in the world have had a headache over the past year and 30% of them believed they had suffered from a migraine headache.

FA is not only annoying, but it can also be dangerous. One study suggests that headache disorders (including migraines) are the third leading cause of disability in the world because of their significant impact on quality of life and the financial cost of work disability. Although sometimes the cause is environmental or physiological, research shows that food can play an important role. Here are the best foods to avoid (or load) to relieve pain.

The worst food for headaches


I know. I know. Thank you, Captain obvious. But it's too common not to be on the list. Alcohol-related headaches tend to occur either immediately (30 minutes to 3 hours after a drink for migraine sufferers) or in the form of the dreaded hangover the next day. In fact, people with migraines can have a headache after just a little drink.

Interestingly, research suggests that migraine sufferers tend to drink less alcohol than their headless counterparts, probably because of the risk of stroke. What remains unclear is whether it's alcohol or another component of a drink that triggers it. Tyramine, phenylethylamine, histamine, sulfites and flavonoid phenols are commonly present in our favorite beverages and have all been suspected as a potential cause of migraines. In fact, it is not uncommon for studies to suggest an increase in migraine episodes as a result of a glass of red wine filled with sulfites and histamine.

Want to reduce the risk of attack? For one, drink moderately (it would be a drink a day for women and two for men). No benders on weekends for you! And two, choose a light colored drink such as gin or vodka on red wine or dark liqueurs, which tend to have lower amounts of histamine and sulfites inducing headache.

Excessive coffee (and therefore the lack of)]

Oh yes, take Joe in the morning and get ready for a real pounder. A Norwegian study found that people who ate the most caffeine (more than 540 mg a day) were 10% more likely to have headaches and migraines. Other population-based studies have concorded, citing a higher prevalence of headaches with excessive levels of consumption.

To avoid unpleasant effect, experts recommend limiting your consumption to 400-500 mg / day (about 4 cups of coffee), which is still quite generous!), And more importantly, being consistent in your contribution. In other words, do not do a coffee drinking on Saturday morning, only to go cold turkey in the days to follow. Our advice to reduce? Go half-coffee until you can wean yourself slowly from the liquid energy.


Ugh, I know. You did not want to see this one on the list. But at least that is still debatable. One study compared chocolate with placebo and showed that chocolate triggers migraine in 42% of subjects. That said, another study compared chocolate with carob and found no difference in headache complaints. The likely culprit? It seems that the amino acids phenylethylamine and tyramine present in chocolate may be responsible. Research has found greater amounts of phenylethylamine and tyramine in people with chronic migraines. It seems possible that chocolate could be a trigger for some, but not for others, so try to pay attention to the result after your next treat.

Artificial Sweeteners

Maybe not ] just caffeine in your Diet Coke that gives you a headache. Research suggests that artificial sweeteners, especially the super popular aspartame, may increase the risk of migraines and reduce the percentage of days when subjects did not suffer from headaches. Apparently calorie-free does not necessarily mean pain-free, so try to reduce the bubbly substance.

Citrus fruit

A healthy food on the no-no list? Unfortunately, our favorite source of vitamin C can be a trigger for some. One study found that 11% of migraine sufferers reported a slight increase in symptoms after eating citrus fruits. Another study, however, was not able to see a significant difference in headaches between those who consumed and did not consume citrus. If citrus is a problem for people with headaches, the likely culprit is higher amounts of the amino acid tyramine found in the fruit. Other foods rich in tyramine include pineapple, soy, kimchee, raw onions, beans and sauerkraut.

Aged cheese

Feeling the pressure after a plate of cheese? You can not be alone. The fermentation process, which is essential in the production of cheeses like blue, cheddar, parmesan and camembert, increases the amino acid levels of tyramine and phenylethylamine in foods. Not surprisingly, one study found that 18 percent of migraine sufferers complained that aged cheese was the root cause of their pain. Need to get your solution? Try ricotta, cream cheese, farmhouse cheese, cottage cheese or the American instead for a lower tyramine option.

Processed Meat

The term "nitrates" is used all the time. the disease, but it seems that they are not so kind with our noggin. Research suggests that common food preservatives found in processed foods such as hot dogs, sausages and cold cuts may be linked to migraines in some populations. It seems that the presence of nitrates, nitrites and nitric oxide reductase genes related to the composition of intestinal bacteria is responsible for determining who is suffering and who is not suffering. Apparently, we have another reason to limit street meat.

Best Food for Headaches


So, technically, this is not a food, feel better. Dehydration is one of the main causes of headaches in general, so it makes sense that getting your eight glasses a day can help. In a study focusing on water absorption and headache incidence, water was significantly associated with a reduction in the intensity and duration of headaches.

Another study found that 47% of headaches were improved. control group that does not have. We suggest wearing a bottle of water and listening to your body to detect the first signs of thirst before it becomes extreme.

You can also help meet your hydration needs by putting a lot of high-moisture fruits and vegetables in your diet. Cucumbers, spinach, watermelons and berries can help quench your thirst and provide a range of important vitamins and minerals to prevent headaches, says Josh Ax, DNM, DC, CNS and author of Eat Dirt

Low Sodium Foods

Although research on the incidence of salt and headache is only about In their infancy, a study analyzing the effects of a low-sodium diet revealed a lower likelihood of headaches. by consuming less salt. An easy way to reduce? Avoid processed foods and meats, which are also rich in these potentially problematic nitrates.

Green Leafy

Yep, another victory for kale. Leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach and Swiss chard, are filled with vitamin B folate, which may play a unique role in the risk of headaches. Early research on women suggests that a diet low in folate may increase the frequency of migraines compared to women with adequate levels in their diet. Not a fan of salad? Try the avocado, seeds and legumes to get your folate solution (but also … just try to eat your greens.)

In addition to being high in folate, vegetables- leaves are an excellent source of magnesium. Some studies suggest that a low level of this essential mineral could be responsible for headache symptoms, which makes it even more important to ingest the daily dose of green leafy vegetables, says Ax.


suggests that migraine sufferers tend to have lower levels of serum magnesium, and almonds are one of the largest sources (and the most tasty) to meet your needs. While research specifically on the impact of magnesium-rich foods (such as almonds) on headaches is rare, studies suggest that adding 600 mg of magnesium each day reduces the frequency of migraines . While you may need a supplement, we suggest trying a food first approach, and if you are not in almonds, try leafy vegetables, fruits. seafood, legumes and other nuts and seeds.

19659002] Like magnesium, the other two main nutrients of bone building, calcium and vitamin D, seem to play a role in preventing headaches. One study showed that a combination of calcium and vitamin D supplements significantly reduced migraine attacks, while patients in another study saw significant improvements in just 4 to 6 weeks. Vitamin D seems to play a bigger role than calcium, but you can get your solution from both fortified products like dairy products, soy milk, eggs, and orange juice.

Small amounts of coffee [19659002] What's that ?! Cafe on the naughty and nice list? Yes. Everything is about the dose. Always overdone with caffeine, then shoot right away? You ask for a real doozy. But research suggests that very small amounts of caffeine can actually be beneficial. A systematic review of the literature found that consuming about 100 mg of caffeine a day (the amount in a small cup of coffee) with pain medication can provide more headache relief than drugs alone.

Hey, we can not change the weather, control pollution, or disable some genetic predisposition, but we can control what we put in our mouths. If you suffer from migraines or persistent migraines, we recommend that you make a diary and follow what you eat before a migraine attack to determine which of these foods is harming (or helping) your pain

. you put on your plate. In addition to increasing your diet, remember to have lots of regular physical activity, establish a consistent sleep schedule and minimize your stress level, says Ax.

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