Football: Roberto Martinez's master shot to get Belgian players to run a perfect plan against Brazil, Football News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – I've already said that Brazil, for me, is the best team in this World Cup, so for Belgium to beat them on Friday is a fantastic result.

Much of the merit has to go to the coach of Belgium Roberto Martinez

The way Belgium organized was unusual and troubled the Brazilians: a 4-3-3 formation at the instead of the usual three at the back, starting with Marouane Fellaini and Nacer Chadli, and deploying Romelu Lukaku on the right.

Yes, the tactical changes worked very well, but what has impressed me the most is how Martinez managed to convince his players to make sacrifices for the team and to play differently.

In him. Lukaku closed on the Brazilian back 60m from the goal of Belgium and he ran and ran for most of the game.

Before the start of the tournament, one of the questions was whether Martinez could get the "Golden Generation" of work together and that has now been answered.

In retrospect, his decision to omit Radja Nainggolan, with whom he does not agree, of the team looks like the right one.

It must be said that Brazil has managed to create good opportunities and I think the goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois has done a remarkable job in avoiding the Brazilians.

He did not play well against Japan in the round of 16 but in this match, the Chelsea goalkeeper showed his individual quality.

Belgium was also very lucky, especially for the first goal but, in the end, it played well enough for Brazil to quit its game.

With this victory, a lot of pressure on the team has been raised now that they have proven that they can compete with the best

It will be another tough match against France in the semifinals and it will be a low-scoring affair.

Both teams are very strong offensively, but the players just know I think however that Belgium has a little more individual quality in its lineup.

As I see it, things will be delicately balanced at 0- Belgium will score a late goal to win it.

Michel Sablon, technical director of the Singapore Football Association, was the assistant coach of the Belgium team who finished fourth at the 1986 World Cup, and resumed his role at the editions of 1990 and 1994. He spoke to Lester Wong

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