Four killed in Saudi Arabia checkpoint shootout: ministry


A shootout on a checkpoint in central Saudi Arabia and a subsequent shooting resulted in the death of a security officer, a civilian Bangladeshi and two attackers, said the Interior Ministry. The Tarfiyah road in the Qassim area was attacked by three terrorists who were driving in a vehicle Sunday afternoon, "the ministry said in a statement.

"Two of the terrorists were killed and a third was injured and transferred to the hospital," he added.

Sergeant Suleiman Abdelaziz Abdel Latif was designated as the Saudi victim. The ministry said that a Bangladeshi resident had also been killed but had not announced his name.

Authorities reported that a criminal investigation had been opened on the attack. Four Saudi policemen were killed and four others wounded on April 20 during an attack on a checkpoint in Asir Province, southwest of the country


He also saw clashes between Shiite militants and security forces in the eastern provinces

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