Guggenheim Capital LLC earns stakes in Lamar Advertising Co (LAMR)


  Lamar Advertising logo "title =" Lamar Advertising logo "class =" companylogo Guggenheim Capital LLC increased its position in Lamar Advertising Co (NASDAQ: LAMR) by 255.4% in the first quarter, according to its most recent 13F The company held 41,989 shares of the real estate investment trust after purchasing 30,175 additional shares during the quarter, while Guggenheim Capital LLC's stake in Lamar Advertising was $ 2,673,000 at the end of the quarter. the last period.

Other hedge funds have also recently changed their holdings of the company. Alliancebernstein LP lifted its holdings in Lamar Advertising shares by 69.4% in the fourth quarter. AllianceBernstein LP now holds 402,208 shares of the trust. Real estate investment worth $ 29,860,000 after the purchase of 164,803 additional shares during the period, Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. has raised its interests in shares of Lamar Advertisi. 483.0% in the 4th quarter. Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Services Inc. now holds 43,727 shares of the real estate investment trust valued at $ 3,247,000 after purchasing 36,227 additional shares during the period. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. lifted its holdings in Lamar Advertising by 26.9% in the fourth quarter. Amundi Pioneer Asset Management Inc. now holds 41,169 shares of the real estate investment trust valued at $ 3,057,000 after purchasing 8,727 additional shares during the period. Elkfork Partners LLC purchased a new stake in Lamar Advertising shares in the fourth quarter valued at $ 653,000. Lastly, Two Sigma Advisers LP raised its holdings in Lamar Advertising by 12.3% in the fourth quarter. Two Sigma Advisers LP now holds 197,568 shares of the real estate investment trust valued at $ 14,667,000 after purchasing 21,699 additional shares during the period. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 82.63% of the company's shares.

Lamar Advertising shares rose $ 0.58 to $ 70.46 during Friday, according to 283,700 shares of the company were traded, against an average volume of 602,409. Lamar Advertising Co has a lowest for 1 year of $ 61.36 and a high of $ 79.17. The stock has a market capitalization of $ 6.88 billion, a price / earnings ratio of 13.95, a price / earnings ratio of 4.38 and a beta of 1.06. The company has a debt ratio of 2.50, a ratio of 1.59 and a ratio of 1.59.

Lamar Advertising (NASDAQ: LAMR) last published its quarterly results on Wednesday, May 2nd. The real estate investment trust reported EPS of $ 0.98 for the quarter, outperforming analysts' consensus estimates by $ 0.67 by $ 0.31. Lamar Advertising had a return on equity of 27.02% and a net margin of 18.69%. The company achieved a turnover of $ 361.03 million during the quarter, against $ 360.27 million for analysts. During the same period last year, the company posted earnings per share of $ 0.88. The business turnover of the company increased by 4.2% compared to the same quarter of last year. Equity research analysts predict that Lamar Advertising Co will post 5.32 earnings per share for the current year.

The company also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Friday, June 29. Shareholders of record on Friday, June 15 received a dividend of $ 0.91. This represents a dividend of $ 3.64 on an annualized basis and a return of 5.17%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend was Thursday, June 14. The dividend payout rate (DPR) of Lamar Advertising is currently 72.08%.

In other Lamar Advertising news, Chief Financial Officer Keith A. Istre sold 41,075 shares in a transaction dated Friday, May 4. The stock was sold at an average price of $ 66.37, for a total value of $ 2,726,147.75. As a result of the sale, the Chief Financial Officer directly owns 134,472 shares of the Company, valued at $ 8,924,906.64. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this link. Insiders of the company own 15.64% of the shares of the company.

Several equity research analysts weighed on LAMR shares. TheStreet upgraded Lamar Advertising from a "c +" rating to a "b-" rating in a report on Wednesday, June 6th. BidaskClub has updated Lamar advertising from a "keep" rating to a "buy" rating in a report on Wednesday, June 13th. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Lamar Advertising to a "buy" rating and set a target price of $ 80 for the company in a report on Monday, June 18. Finally, ValuEngine upgraded Lamar Advertising from a "sell" rating to a "hold" rating in a report on Saturday, June 2nd. A research analyst evaluated the stock with a sales rating, five issued a security rating and one gave a buy-to-action rating. The company currently has a consensus rating of "Hold" and a consensus price target of $ 71.50

Lamar Advertising Profile

Founded in 1902, Lamar Advertising (Nasdaq: LAMR) is one of the most important. outdoor advertising companies in North America, with more than 348,000 displays in the United States and Canada. Lamar offers advertisers various formats of billboards, interstate logos, public transit and airports, helping local businesses and national brands reach a wide audience every day.

  Institutional Property Per Quarter For Lamar Advertising (NASDAQ: LAMR) Property Per Quarter For Lamar Advertising (NASDAQ: LAMR)

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