"Hahaha" in The Goh Chok Tong Story, Latest News Others


"Really?" I said incredulously.

I had looked in the Kinokuniya Bookstore in Jem for Big Order: Goh Chok Tong's story, but I could not find it.

The woman at the information counter in Kinokuniya said that everything was sold.

I could not believe it.

It was last Saturday. Was Peh Shing Huei's book not officially launched on Thursday?

I mean, we are talking here about a book about the second Prime Minister of Singapore and, despite the glasses, not about Harry Potter.

"Really?" I have repeated for the emphasis.

The woman laughs and says the book should be restocked Monday. But it would be too late for me.

I needed the book to talk about it in the column that you are currently reading and that will come out Monday, that is to say today, so I could not wait.

But I did not tell him all that. I headed for the Popular Bookstore at the nearby Westgate Shopping Center.

After getting my way through the crowd in Westgate for opening Spotlight, I found the book at Popular.

Fortunately, unlike Kinokuniya, Popular had tens of copies.

And they have not been posted on the fictional shelf as in the photo put online by Mr. Brown.

He wrote: "Someone has put Lao Goh's book on hold under Fiction.I wonder if the bookseller knows something we do not know."

How did Mr. Brown dare to qualify our esteemed Prime Minister Emeritus "Lao Goh"?

The government will surely ask Facebook to delete the message – a request that Facebook will reject.

Instead, Lao Goh, I mean, Mr. Goh shared Mr. Brown's message with a phrase: "Bookshop knows that fiction sells better than memoirs."

"Hahaha!" Mr. Brown responded, perhaps with relief, not to be exiled like Francis Seow or Tang Liang Hong, as stated in the book.

& # 39; LIBERAL & # 39;

It turns out that Mr. Goh also provides some "Hahaha!" moments in the book amid the not-so-funny memories of Operation Spectrum and the Hendrickson affair.

For example, he wrote in the postface: "By the way, Lee Kuan Yew was more liberal than we think.Or more practical.When the tourism sector was in decline, he launched the idea of 39, a nudist colony in Sentosa or an island off the coast, bring them in! The youngest ministers vetoed it. "

Talk about naked ambition.

Commenting on his relations with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Mr. Goh wrote: "How did I succeed as" Goh-between "? It's because father and son do not I have not "sandwiched". "

I'm not sure what that means. Earlier in the book, Mr. Goh called himself a "lubricant" between the two Lees and it was not related to nudism.

For a book costing the ministerial sum of 39.59 dollars, I was waiting for the story of his life, but the book ends when Mr. Goh becomes Prime Minister in 1990. I guess it is for this reason that Volume 1 is on the cover.

Presumably, the next book will focus on his PM years and will be called, as the sequel to the Guardians Of The Galaxy movie, Volume 2.

Fortunately, I did not pay the high price for the book. My wife is a popular member and I have enjoyed a 20% discount.

So, thanks to the book sold to Kinokuniya, I saved about $ 8 that I could spend on Singles Day even though I am not single.

Yes really.

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