Has become known why on the Antarctic appear to atmospheric waves


  Стало известно, почему над Антарктикой появляются атмосферные волны »title = In the upper layers of the atmosphere over Antarctica appear gravitational waves.

Scientists at the University of Colorado at Boulder proposed an explanation of the mysterious waves of atmospheric gravity, which were recorded for the first time in the upper layers of the atmosphere above the planet. Antarctica two years ago


Two years ago, scientists discovered gravitational waves that can occur in the upper atmosphere with a period of 3 to 10 hours, the length of these waves reaching 2,000 kilometers. of the Antarctic gravity wave that occur in the stratosphere, with a length of 400 kilometers.

Now, researchers have proposed a possible explanation for this phenomenon. One of them is that when the stratospheric wave is destroyed, the energy that comes from it is transmitted to the upper layers of the atmosphere, and where there is nothing. huge gravitational fluctuations occur. The second explanation assumes the existence of a polar atmospheric structure that is vortex stable on the South Pole.

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