Blizzard revealed the new Overwatch hero, Wrecking Ball, last week and, to the surprise of most people, he was a hamster named Hammond driving a mech. But this surprise could have been alleviated if we had spotted a possible clue visible since the first public versions of the game.
As noted on ObscureWatch, only one visible display panel on the map of the Lijiang Tower contains a Strangely specific indication. Originally, the interest was focused on the character art of the billboard. It's unique in the game, and the board can only be seen in specific places without the help of a spectator camera.
But once Hammond arrived, the upper part of the painting became more interesting – it shows a line drawing of what looks like a hamster, and a balloon.
The painting has been visible in the game since the closed beta of February 2016 (you can get a glimpse of it in the videos in flight since the first release of the card), although it is difficult to tell from previous videos if the line drawing element has always been the same.
It may sound a little exaggerated, but director Jeff Kaplan has revealed that Hammond has been in the works long before the game.
"It's not a new development," Kaplan told Seagate's Overwatch pro in a stream. Believe it or not, Wrecking Ball was one of the first characters we imagined […] Arnold Tsang, our assistant art director, was exploring great robot designs and he made this round and cool robot. "And then, I do not know what inspired Arnold to do it, but he just sends a day to the team's mailing list, he says" Wrecking Ball, "and we all went out. yeah, we're big fans of that guy character he's done, and he just got that little hamster pointing from the top. And we were like – oh my god, that made it meaning now for us! "This has changed our world."
Even in a game characterized by an odd quirk, Wrecking Ball feels a little further and many are who immediately compared it to the famous abandoned hero Jetpack Cat. He dropped "probably too far", and his inclusion was divisive among the community.
Kaplan did a lot of the fact that the development team was also divided: "It has become the most controversial hero of the Overwatch team. ", He explains," half of the team absolutely love it, […] and the other half of the team is "you ruin the game." [19659002Heevenmentionsaroguishmeetingscheduledfor2026withtwodeveloperswhowantedtoseeifHammondhadruinedthegame10yearsafteritsrelease
So it is possible that the panel's image is Arnold Tsang or another Hammond supporter to get the character in the game. Again, it may be that it's a Huge coincidence – we contacted Blizzard to comment.
Joe Skrebels is the news editor of IGN in the UK, and he really hopes that the billboard is Tsang become a thug. Follow him on Twitter .
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