Healthy eating and weight loss tips that do not involve calories


One of the reasons that many dieters limit their intake of fats – in addition to the lingering influence of the low-fat diet trend of the 1990s – is that it's not easy to lose weight. is an easy way to reduce calories. Fat is high in calories. Cut the fat, cut the calories.

But research is beginning to show that eating fat does not necessarily lead to weight gain. Instead, it can help people lose weight, perhaps making us feel fuller and curbing our sugar intake. This seems to be especially true for fats from sources such as nuts, olive oil, avocados and fish.

"There is one thing we know about fats: fat intake does not cause weight gain, on the contrary, it could help us lose a few pounds," Aaron Carroll, professor of pediatrics at the Indiana School of Medicine. , wrote in his book, "The Bad Food Bible: How and Why to Eat Wisely."

Here's what it means for people who count calories: Fatty foods are higher in calories than their low-fat counterparts, so this and reduce carbohydrates and sugar instead.

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