Heavy rain damages Russian World Cup stadium on final day – Football


MOSCOW, July 16 (Reuters) – Heavy rain damaged one of Russia's newly-built World Cup stadiums on Sunday when the tournament ended with the final in Moscow.

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Footage from the southern city of Volgograd showed a fresh landslide on an embankment near the stadium, which is made at several-meter-deep hole in it and fully covered with sidewalk with mud.

A spokesman for the state's sporting company overseeing the construction industry was also included in the stadium.

Volgograd Arena, which can accommodate up to 45,000 spectators, was built for the World Cup at a cost of 16 billion rubles ($ 257 million), according to the government's website.

Eight teams played World Cup group matches in Volgograd, England and Japan who made it to the knockout stages.

Spokesmen for the Volgograd and the Government of the United States.

"This happens once in a hundred years," a Sport In spokesman said.

The Stroytransgaz company, which built the stadium, gave no immediate comments.

($ 1 = 62.2500 rubles) (Reporting by Maria Tsvetkova, additional reporting by Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber, editing by Ed Osmond)

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