HIV is a virus you can live with – Prince Harry – The Mast Online


PRINCE Harry says that it is necessary to normalize conversations around HIV because it's just a virus that we can live with.

And Prince Harry says that HIV solutions will come only from the younger generation

Ngulube, a young Zambian HIV-positive, says that young people living with HIV should talk more openly about their status.

In a Facebook video moderated by Ngulube at the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Harry said that much power must be put in the hands of young people who make up a large part of the world's population.

"We need to normalize, just like in mental health, we need to normalize the conversation about HIV because

" We have to put a lot of power in the hands of the younger generation because it is There will be a generation gap of
in almost all the problems we currently have, but the younger generation has the solution to solve these problems in a much shorter time, "said Prince Harry

Young people in problem solving need to be made at the level of policy changes

"Young people are the people I would like my team to explain to explain the problem … older people need to use I am 33 years old and I already feel disconnected … I think the speed at which things are happening now, there are 200 years of development happening in a space of 2 or 3
years simply because of technology …. I do not have the solutions, but you, young people, have the solution and you must be listened to.
The policy change can only be made with the people who will inherit the world, "said Prince Harry.] Ngulube, 19, who grew up in Cardiff, Wales and is a member of The Children's HIV Association (CHIVA), said that young people could not afford complacency in the mitigation of HIV.I find it difficult to equip more of my peers to talk about it more openly, "said Ngulube. [ad_2]
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