How to defeat the hangover of the Melbourne Cup in a good way


We drew the fate of the fiction on the cure for hangover and we were surprised.

At large, lively events like the Melbourne Cup – see also Christmas Day, New Year's Eve … the list goes on – there is usually a little bit of alcohol running and most of the time. between us will offer us a drink or two. Not that serious.
That's when this glass or these two glasses turn into more, then more, and sometimes even a little more than waking up with a hangover the next day is about as certain as death and taxes .
And we certainly all had a hangover that made us wish for death. One of those horrors that destroy life, which nothing – nothing – can repair.
Before helping us recover after a few extra minutes, we spoke to Robbie Clark, a dietitian and sports nutritionist based in Sydney.
Clark explained the food and drink – and what not to do – when it comes to soothing headaches, as well as some clever tips to avoid a hangover.
And no, nobody requires you to go to the maximum (unless you wish, it is the case.)
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Clark's hangover

The dog's hair
The story of the elderly woman – or her husband – that it would have been necessary to double a long night of drinking while still drinking is not a good idea, according to Clark.
"This will produce an anesthetic effect at first, but you will only prolong the inevitable, and that will probably aggravate the symptoms of your hangover," he told 10 each day.
"Your body must treat all the toxins you have spent to charge it at night (or day) before, and giving it extra amounts of alcohol only prolongs the time."
We are going to pass the Bloody Mary, then.
Rejecting some painkillers before bedtime after a big pub looks like a plan to avoid or at least mitigate the hangover hangover in the morning, but again, it's wishful thinking. In fact, it could be dangerous.
"While [Panadol] Acetaminophen can cause severe liver damage if ingested in a drunken state, "Clark said.
The reason is that when your liver is metabolizing the alcohol you have consumed, it treats the pain reliever differently. As a result, toxic compounds are generated that can cause inflammation and liver damage.
Clark warned that panadol popad could also potentially increase the risk of bleeding into the stomach and the gastrointestinal tract because it is already inflamed by alcohol.
"My advice is that unless you have a headache, you'd better avoid Panadol, drink a lot of water and rest."
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A big fat fries
Hold bacon, hash browns, burgers and fried chicken, because contrary to popular belief, a big fat brekkie is not what you or your hangover needs.
"A fat, fatty meal will be harder to digest for your stomach," Clark said 10 times a day.
Apparently, fried foods can irritate the intestines and cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and / or cramps. No thanks.

Clark's hangover

Opt for eggs
Okay, a trip to Maccas is so impossible, but Clark said at 10 days everyday that it was not necessary to launch his dream of a hot breakfast and (slightly) fat through the window.
"The egg tradition has something scientific behind the tradition.The egg yolks are rich in cysteine, an amino acid that, according to scientists, could degrade acetaldehyde, a toxin produced by the liver, which is also responsible for hangover symptoms. "
See the light
There is a smarter way to feed a hungry hangover. Lighter foods such as toast, boiled rice or pasta, plain yoghurt or compotes – plus a large amount of liquid – are solid options.
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"Freshly squeezed juices are a great way to increase fluid intake and bring in vitamin C, which could help the liver get rid of toxins from alcohol," Clark said.
The fruits are packed with fructose – a special type of carbohydrate – that helps to naturally stimulate the body's energy, while a high fiber content will also help your body break down and absorb the remains of last night's alcohol.
Since alcohol can have a diuretic effect, that is to say that it is a lot of peeing, the fruits also restore the vitamins and nutrients lost during all your trips in the bathroom.
Go bananas … and coconuts
Bananas are another food of choice for healing hangover because they are high in potassium, which Clark explained is an electrolyte that is lost when we sip some coldies.
Speaking of sipping, opt for bevvies containing electrolytes such as coconut water, Gatorade or even Hydralyte sachets.
"[These] can be very beneficial to consume before going to bed or the next day, "Clark said.

Clark's menu for hangovers

Here are some tasty dishes based on ingredients favoring the soothing hangover by Clark.
Scrambled whole wheat egg wrap with diced tomatoes, avocado, salsa and lean bacon (optional).
Poached eggs on whole or multigrain toasts, toasted tomatoes, spinach and avocados.
Protein banana smoothie composed of protein powder (preferably pea based), almond milk or coconut milk, banana (or any other fruit of your choice), chia seeds.
Soups like miso or chicken.
Almond milk boiled with banana and chia slices.
Chia pudding made from coconut milk or water.
Avocado crushed with feta and tomatoes – do not hesitate to add an egg – served on wholegrain or multigrain toast.
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Before boozin & # 39;

And if you could avoid a hangover altogether? Well, it's not entirely possible, but according to Clark, there are two things you can do before you go to town.
A solid meal will encourage your stomach to slow down the movement of food and liquids in your body so that the digestive process can occur. If you do not eat before drinking, alcohol will be absorbed much more quickly into your bloodstream.
"Choose foods rich in protein and fat to make a good, slow-burning meal to regulate the absorption of alcohol," Clark said.
Dehydration is the most common cause of hangover and the solution is to drink water (or coconut) before going out to drink while you go out and before going to bed. Clark said.
That being said, it is important to note that we absorb and metabolize alcohol at different rates, and many factors contribute to the severity of a hangover.
Of course, nothing prevents a hangover like drinking responsibly or not drinking at all.
Background image: Getty.

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