Hundreds of people stand up to ward off the NSF SAFs who died during the field training exercise on their sister's birthday.


Hundreds of people, including friends, military and foreigners, gathered to pay respects to Liu Kai, a full-time, full-time national military, at the Mandai Crematorium on Tuesday afternoon (November 6). ).

First-Class Corporal (CFC) Liu, 22, a transporter of the West FAS Transport Center, died as a result of a Bionix armored fighting vehicle converted into a Land Rover that he was performing as part of A field training exercise on Saturday morning (3 November).

Posthumously, he received the rank of CFC.

Stomper Loh It was at the Mandai Crematorium, where hundreds of soldiers lined the aisle as the hearse stopped behind a military band.

He shared photos and videos of the procession.

(The story continues after the video)

The Stomper, who works in the funeral home line, told Stomp that he was in the area and had stopped to show his respects to the NSF fire.

"It's the first time I see so many people gathered in front of the crematorium," he said.

The coffin was brought to a room where a ceremony was held in private.

One of CFC Liu's sisters, who refused to give her name, had previously told reporters that the family was waiting for her return to celebrate her birthday last Saturday.

Speaking mainly in Mandarin before the media in the aftermath of Block 787D Woodlands Crescent Monday afternoon (November 5), CFC's sister Liu said that his brother was very close to the family.

"November 3, it was my birthday, but it was also the day of his death, we were always celebrating it together, he really loved his family," she said.

CFC Liu's father, who also declined to be named, said the news was hard to accept because he was the only son.

"But his duty was to serve the national service," he added.

The CFC Liu family said that he had wanted to go to university and get an engineering job after finishing his national service (NS).

He was described as a hardworking and thoughtful individual, who was kind to others.

"He worked very hard and usually studied late into the night, helping his classmates to revise their work," said his sister.

"He had a big heart and participated in events such as charity races, and when his friends needed help, he taught them to be positive."

The entire family of CFC Liu, her parents and two older sisters, wanted to become citizens of Singapore, according to the sister who spoke to the media.

CFC Liu was enlisted last April and was very determined and motivated during the training.

He was also appreciated by his peers and considered a good example.

His father said, "He has always been proud to do NS, he has served with joy and asked us to participate in his death parade to take pictures with him and everyone."

The date of CFC Liu's operational availability would have been April 2020.

His sister refused to comment on Mindef's investigations, as they were still underway, but "believe that Mindef will do us justice."

The Defense Minister, Ng Eng Hen, went on Facebook on Tuesday and said he had written to CFC Liu's parents to convey his deepest condolences to him.

He added that he prayed that the family "will find solace and healing through this difficult time".

"We honor the memory of Liu Kai, a real son of Singapore who gave his life in the service of his country, that he is resting in peace," he wrote.

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