In the Russian segment of the ISS, one of the management computers was rejected, rossm


In recent months, Roskosmos has experienced a series of failures.

В российском сегменте МКС отказал один из компьютеров управления

In the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) failed one of the three management computers. Recover fails.

Read the crossing points have a video of the accident of "Union" Russian

About this, there is "Interfax", citing a source in US control over the station.

"We solved the problem by removing the will of one of the three computers controlling the Russian segment of the Zvezda module of the ISS. While to repair a computer fails, "said the source.

Two other computers are currently operating normally.

In recent months, Roskosmos has experienced a series of failures.

Thus, in August, holes in the central compartment of the Russian "Union" cause air leakage and loss of pressure throughout the ISS. Discovered that the hole was sealed kapetanovo band.

On October 11, the Russian rocket rocket "Soyuz-FG" could not put the satellite "Soyuz MS-10" in orbit. The crew, composed of Russian cosmonaut Alexei Ovchinin and American astronaut Nick Hague, managed to evacuate to Earth in a life capsule.

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