Iran rejects United States News & Top Stories


LONDON (Reuters) – Senior Iranian officials and military commanders on Tuesday (July 31) rejected US President Donald Trump's offer of preconditions as worthless and "a dream", saying his words contradicted his action of reimposing sanctions on Teheran.

Separately, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Trump's repudiation of an international nuclear deal reached in 2015 was "illegal" and Iran would not easily yield to Washington's renewed stranglehold Iran's vital oil exports.

In May, Trump pulled the United States out of the multilateral deal concluded before he took office, denouncing it as one-sided in Iran's favor. On Monday, he said he would be willing to meet Rouhani without preconditions to discuss how to improve relations.

Iran's foreign ministry said that Washington should blame itself for ending talks with Tehran when it was withdrew from the nuclear deal. "[19659002CannotblameitselfforpullingoutandleavingThreatssanctionsandPRstuntswillnotwork"MohammadJavadZarifsaidinatweet

The foreign ministry spokesman said Trump's offer to negotiate with Teheran contradictions in the United States of America Washington, DC, USA

"Sanctions and pressures are the exact opposite of dialogue," Bahram Qasemi was quoted as saying by Fars news agency on Tuesday.

The head of the powerful Revolutionary Guards Trump's Trump's attempt, saying the Islamic Republic was not North Korea.

"Mr. Trump! Iran is not North Korea to accept your offer for a meeting, "Guards Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari was quoted as saying by Fars News agency.

" Even US presidents after you will not see that day, "he added. 19659002] The head of Iran's Strategic Council on Foreign Relations said Teheran saw no value in Trump's offer, made it to a week after he warned Iran it risked dire consequences if it made threats against Washington.

"Based on our bad experiences in negotiations with the United States of America on the basis of its commitments, "Kamal Kharrazi was quoted by the semi-official Fars news agency.

The Strategic Council on Foreign Relations was set up by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to help formulate long-term policies for Iran.


Iranian hardliners who opp and the ruthlessness of the peasants and the ruthlessness of the peasantry of the world.

Ali Motahari, the deputy speaker of parliament who is seen as part of the moderate camp, said that to negotiate with Trump now "

" Senior Member of the Board of Trustees of the United States State Secretary of the State Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be meeting with his Iranian counterpart during a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Singapore this weekend.

Israel, who opposed the nuclear deal and encouraged Trump to withdraw from the United States

A senior Israeli official told Reuters on Tuesday: "Israel is in continuous contact with the American administration. Senior American officials have stated that there is no change in America's firm policy on Iran. "

Under the 2015 deal, the fruit of Rouhani's efforts to ease Iran's international isolation to help revive its economy, Iran's nuclear program and won relief from UN and Western sanctions in return


Trump condemned the deal in part because it did not cover Iran's ballistic missile program and involvement in Middle East conflicts. It reactivated US sanctions, the most all-encompassing measures against Iran, and warned countries to stop importing Iranian oil from Nov 4 or risk US penalties.

European signatories to the search for ways to salvage it but cautioned Teheran that

Rouhani said during a meeting with Britain's ambassador that he was called the "illegal" US withdrawal from the nuclear deal, "The balloon is in Europe's short now".

He added, "The Islamic Republic has never sought to relax in the world, but it will not be possible to export oil.

Rouhani and some senior military commanders have said Iran could disrupt oil shipments from Gulf states through the Strait of Hormuz if Washington tries to choke off Iranian oil exports.

Reiterating T Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency that the strait would remain open "if Iran's national interests are preserved".

Iran's Opec governor, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, told Reuters on Tuesday that

"It seems like a president of the United States of America. million barrels per day of Iranian exports, encouraging him to take action against Iran, "Ardebili said.

" Now they and Russia sell more oil and more expensively. "


The United States grants to the United States, the United States of America, to the United States of America. Iranian currency.

Iran's currency plumbed new depths on Monday, dropping past 120,000 rials to the dollar, but Trump's expressed willingness to negotiate with Teheran sparked a minor recovery on Tuesday to 110,000 rials on the unofficial market.

Videos on social media poster of people rallying in Isfahan in Central Iran, and Karaj near Teheran, in protest at high prices caused by the rial's devaluation under heightened

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