Is charcoal toothpaste safe? Dentists explain the risks


Activated charcoal is everywhere today, even in toothpastes.

If you listen to bloggers and other influencers on the Internet, they'll tell you that activated charcoal is a good natural alternative to peroxide for whitening skin. the teeth. Black powder is supposed to absorb and remove stains caused by foods such as red wine, coffee and tea.

The buzzy ingredient, which is usually made from bone, coconut, peat, petroleum coke, charcoal, olive kernels or sawdust , is known for its ability to absorb dirt and impurities. It is a bit like a magnet that attracts toxins, which is why it is used in water filtration systems and for treating overdoses and food poisoning. So it would work for your teeth too, right?

Well, not so fast. We talked to the dentists to see what they thought about it, and they are not convinced.

What to consider before trying the toothpaste with charcoal

"Activated charcoal can have many health benefits because of its ability to remove harmful toxins from the body," said Dr. Nicole Khalife , a New York-based dentist, emailing HuffPost, but she added that people should consider a few things before trying to use charcoal to whiten their teeth.

First, says -It, if you use it, you should make sure the powder is extra fine, so not too hard, your teeth.Secondly, you should definitely not use it every day. -being most importantly, she advised everyone to talk to her dentist before using activated carbon products because "everyone's mouth is different, so instructions should be adapted to each patient. "

Negative effects poten tiels

Dr. Timothy Chase, a cosmetic dentist and practical partner at SmilesNY, told HuffPost that using activated charcoal to whiten your teeth can potentially cause more harm than good. Chase said that even though he understands that people like to try new trends and trends, he likes to advise his patients "to use what has been proven to work."

"No studies Demonstrated that the use of charcoal products Oral health care is doing something good for your teeth, "he said.

Chase and Khalif agreed that the abrasiveness of charcoal can have the opposite effect on people's teeth.

"If activated charcoal is used too often or incorrectly, enamel can erode," said Khalife, Chase noting that "once you remove the enamel, it does not come back not."

Chase also that using something abrasive like charcoal to scrub surface stains can make teeth whiter in the short term, they may finally look more yellow "because you thin that enamel and showing more of the inner dentine, which is darker. "

The effects of activated charcoal do not stop at enamel. Chase and Khalife explained that a loss of enamel can lead to increased sensitivity and increased susceptibility to tooth decay.

The American Dental Association has not given the green light for charcoal toothpaste

If that is not enough to rub your teeth with activated charcoal, it is important to note that the American Dental Association has not given charcoal its seal of acceptance.

Last year, an article in the Journal of the American Dental Association concluded that there was "insufficient clinical and laboratory data to support safety and health claims." The effectiveness of toothpastes based on charcoal and charcoal ". to be made to prove if charcoal is really safe for oral care.

Chase says he advises patients who are looking for whiter teeth to "use a non-whitening base fluoride toothpaste, such as a Crest Cavity Protection, then use something else." as simple as Whitestrips, if they want to do it on a budget, or "

Mr. Chase stated that peroxide-based bleaching products (such as white stripes and products supplied by dentists) "They've proven that they're working really well, well, being relatively cheap and being very safe." There have been long-term studies on peroxide, and we know that Is safe and we know it works. "

" The best way to remove deep yellowing from the teeth is a professional whitening, "says Khalife. Office whitening usually lasts between an hour and an hour and a half and gives immediate results, while home whitening is usually done over a period of one or two weeks.

"Personally, I prefer custom bleach trays because of less sensitivity afterwards," she says.

When it's time to try the fashions, be it activated charcoal or even strawberries on the teeth, Chase admits people want to know more about ways to take care of their teeth, but they are advised that they might not work, or worse, damage the structure of their teeth.

"My feeling is to use the simplest ingredient that does what you want it to do." Fluoride toothpaste does what we want it to do. cleans the teeth, it does not have a number of different additives, "he said. As for whitening toothpastes without charcoal, Mr. Chase said that they usually work because they are somewhat abrasive (such as charcoal), but that the product does not have the same properties. is probably not in contact with the teeth long enough.

If you're looking to whiten your teeth, the best thing to do is talk to your dentist about the best method for you. And when you are looking for products to take care of your mouth at home, Chase advised to look for the ADA seal of acceptance.

"I think this mark of approval means something," he said.

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