Israel evacuates hundreds of white helmets in the face of Syria's advance | News from the world


Israel evacuated hundreds of members of the Syrian civil defense force known as White Helmets in Jordan, Amman claiming to have reached an agreement for their resettlement in the United Kingdom, France and Canada. The operation was undertaken at the request of London, Paris and Ottawa, UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt said in a joint statement. Syria, although several of them have suffered severe bombing as a result of a joint air and land offensive between Syria and Russia, said its refugee camps were already full.

The Israeli army said that overnight it had completed "a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civilian organization and their families … due to an immediate threat for their life ".

The United States also demanded Israeli security forces shut down highways in the occupied Golan Heights on the Syrian border on Saturday before the evacuation.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that the total number of evacuees was 422, although the original request was to evacuate 800. It is unclear what happened to the rest .

"The government gave permission after Britain, Germany and Canada made the legal commitment to resettle them in a specified time to their lives," said a door.

There was no immediate confirmation that Britain would take some of the white helmets and, if so, how much it would allow to enter.

Minister, Chrystia Freeland said she had "called for global leadership to support and help these heroes" at a meeting of foreign ministers at NATO's summit of leaders in Brussels there is one week

forcing hundreds of displaced people to take refuge on the Israeli-Jordanian border, believing that it was relatively safe, because Israel had declared that it would not tolerate any attack in the demarcated area. province of Deraa is located next properties near the Golan Heights occupied by Israel. Photography: Alaa Al-Faqir / Reuters

Founded in 2013, Syria is a network of first responders operating in areas controlled by the opposition, saving civilians from the rubble of air attacks.

Moscow dismissed them as Western agents because their work is partly funded by the UK Foreign Office and the White House. Their images of the impact of air strikes shocked observers and revealed the brutality of the air campaigns

The Syrian army was likely to target members of the White Helmets once it took over the control of the south-west of the country. 19659002] Defending the exception granted to White Helmets, Jordanian government spokesman Mohammed Al-Kayed said that the Syrian transfer did not put the kingdom under any other obligation. He added that humanitarian workers would remain in a "closed" place and that Britain, Germany and Canada would agree to resettle them within three months.

The Foreign Office stated that UNHCR was under control.

Justifying the operation, Hunt and Mordaunt said: "The White Helmets saved more than 115,000 lives during the Syrian conflict, at great risk to theirs." Many White Helmets volunteers were also killed while doing so. their work – trying to rescue civilians trapped in bombed out buildings or providing first aid to wounded civilians.

"White helmets were the target of attack. found that, in these particular circumstances, the volunteers needed immediate protection. We have therefore taken steps to provide this protection to the greatest number of volunteers and their families. "

" We pay tribute to the courageous and selfless work that White Helmets volunteers have done to save Syrians from all sides. conflict. "

White Helmets chief Raed Saleh said the evacuees had arrived in Jordan after being" encircled in a dangerous area. "

They were surrounded in the provinces of Deraa and Quneitra, including a number He told Agence France-Presse that unprecedented protests demanded civil liberties and the release of political prisoners after four decades of repressive rule by the Assad family.The regime is cracking down on demonstrations in Damascus and the southern city of Deraa but the protests continue

The army colonel Riad Al-Asaad, in rout, sets up the rebel free Syrian army based in Turkey. Islamists join the revolt

Regime forces take control of the rebel stronghold of Homs after a month of bombardment Other operations bloody They are carried out, especially in the central city of Hama, after massive demonstrations against the regime.

FSA fighters launch a battle for Damascus but the government holds up

The United States and Russia d & rsquo; Assad approve a plan for the elimination of Syrian chemical weapons.

Hostilities between jihadists and rebel groups turn into an open war in the north. The group that will become known as the Islamic State takes Raqqa – the first provincial capital to escape regime control – rebel forces

A US-led coalition launches strikes against Isis in Syria. The strikes benefit Kurdish groups, which since 2013 have been managing autonomous administrations in Kurdish-majority areas.

Russia launches air strikes to support Assad troops, who are at the rear. The Russian firepower helps to reverse the role of the regime, which begins to take over the territory held by the rebels

The regime takes over the second Syrian city, Aleppo

Russia and Iran, in support of the Syrian regime, and Turkey, a rebel supporter, hold talks in Kazakhstan, between representatives of both sides. The process leads to the creation of four "de-escalation zones"

A sarin gas attack on the rebel-held city of Khan Sheikhun kills more than 80 people, prompting Washington to attack a base plan.

Further complicating an already long-running conflict, Turkey launches an operation against the Kurdish people's protection units which, with the support of the United States, played a key role in repelling Isis.

The regime launches a fierce assault on the last rebel-held enclave near Damascus in eastern Ghouta. In less than four weeks, the Russian-led attack kills more than 1,200 civilians

Since the formation of the White Helmets, as the Syrian conflict approached its third year, more than 200 of its volunteers died and another 500 were injured. 19659002] Some members received training abroad, including in Turkey, returning to teach their colleagues about search and rescue techniques.

The group receives funding from a number of governments, including Britain, Germany and the United States. donations to buy equipment like his branded helmets.

The production of Netflix The White Helmets last year won an Oscar for best documentary short film. A second film about the group, Last Men in Aleppo, was nominated for an Oscar in 2018.

Israel sent medical aid to civilians who fled fighting in the Syrian part of the Golan Heights.

seized 1,260 square kilometers of the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967 during the six-day war and later annexed it, a movement that has never been recognized internationally.

Syrian forces launched an offensive supported by Russia to retake Provinces of Deraa and Quneitra on June 19. A month later, government institutions seem to want to return to most of the two provinces thanks to a combination of deadly bombings and capitulations negotiated by Moscow

The agreements provide that the rebels will hand over their heavy weapons and those who will not be killed. Agreement with the government. Jihadists are not party to the agreements, and Russian planes bombed an ISIS hold-up in Daraa province overnight, according to a UK-based war observer. More than 20,000 civilians have fled to government-controlled areas to escape the shelling of the Isis-held zone on the border with Jordan and the Israeli-occupied Golan in the past 24 hours, according to the report. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

To gence France-Presse contributed to this report

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