'It may be your miracle': Pompeo urges North Korea to follow the path of Vietnam | American News


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on North Korean leaders to follow Vietnam's path to overcoming past hostilities with the United States following Pyongyang's brutal reprimand for its efforts to achieve a denuclearization agreement.

Pompeo called on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to replicate the "miracle" of Vietnam's economic growth by improving ties with the United States, promising that America is keeping its promises with its elders enemies. Saturday, which made it clear that he did not intend to perform full unilateral disarmament Donald Trump said was the result of his June 12 summit in Singapore with Kim, and accusing the United States of "gangster behavior" in its denuclearization demands

The lengthy detailed statement of the North Korean Foreign Ministry gave an assessment of Friday and Saturday talks between US delegations and North Korea in Pyongyang, calling them "regrettable". This statement categorically contradicts the optimism of Pompeo, who headed the US delegation.

Addressing members of the US-Vietnamese business world Sunday in Hanoi, Pompeo did not hesitate and said the Vietnamese experience since the normalization of relations with the United States. in 1995, it should be proof for North Korea that prosperity and partnership with the United States is possible after decades of conflict and mistrust.

"The fact that we cooperate – not fight – is proof that when a country decides to create a better future alongside the United States, we respect the American promises," he said. . Trump's promise to help improve the North Korean economy and provide him with security guarantees in exchange for Kim's surrender of nuclear weapons.

"Given the unimaginable prosperity and partnership that we have today with Vietnam, I have a message to address to President Kim Jong-Un: President Trump thinks that your country can reproduce this way."

You will seize the moment. This miracle can be yours. This can also be your miracle in North Korea, "said Pompeo.

Earlier Sunday, during a brief stop in Tokyo, Pompeo had downplayed North Korea's accusations.

After met with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts in Tokyo, Pompeo said that his two days of negotiations in Pyongyang, he argued that his third visit to North Korea had produced results.But he also said the sanctions would stay up to # Pyongyang is getting rid of its nuclear weapons. "If these demands looked like gangsters, the world is a gangster," said Pompeo, noting that many UN Security Council resolutions have demanded The North gets rid of nuclear weapons and ends its ballistic missile program

Asked how he could think North Koreans were negotiating in good faith, Pompeo replied: "Because They were. "

On the other hand, the ministerial declaration adopted a hurt tone, saying that the hopes of progress raised by the Singapore summit between Kim and Trump had been disappointed by the fact that they had been disappointed. unilateral approach adopted by the Pompeo delegation

. Americans at the task of insisting on complete, verifiable and irreversible disarmament (CVIT).

"The United States only came into existence with their request for unilateral denuclearization and similar to that of a gangster simply calling for the CVIT, the statement and these statements go against of the spirit of the Singapore summit and the talks, "the statement said.

He also lamented that the Pompeo team has never mentioned "a peace regime on the Korean peninsula". the US military commitment to South Korea and the official peace declaration.

"It seems that the United States has misunderstood our goodwill and our patience. The United States is mistaken terribly if it is considered that the DPRK would have to accept, by its patience, the requirements reflecting its gangster spirit. "

Pointed out, the Foreign Office said:" We still cherish our good faith to President Trump, "suggesting that the" headwinds "to progress were being created by others.

If the talks failed, he warned "that will eventually make each party look for another choice and there is"

Pompeo sought to dispel suggestions that the Trump administration would have waived the request for full, verifiable dismantling and irreversible nuclear weapons of the North. He said North Korea understood that denuclearization must be "fully verified" and "definitive".

The discussions, however, seemed to have revealed a wide gap between the Trump administration and Pyongyang interpreting the results of the Singapore summit. In a joint statement with Trump, Kim urged his regime to move towards a "complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula."

Trump interpreted this to mean total and unilateral nuclear disarmament. He returned to the United States claiming that North Korea was no longer a "nuclear threat." Last week in Montana, he told a crowd: "But we signed a wonderful document saying that they will denuclearize their entire business." Everything will happen. "

However, since 1992 the regime used the expression "complete denuclearization" to refer to a progressive and phased process of mutual demilitarization of the peninsula.

In Singapore, Trump and Kim also verbally agreed on mutual confidence-building measures, in which Trump would suspend military exercises with South Korea, while Kim would dismantle a missile engine test site and repatriate the remains of some people. US soldiers killed in the Korean War

suspended what he called the US-South Korean "war games", calling them too expensive. However, three weeks after the summit, Pyongyang must still honor its commitment – destroy the test site and return the remains of soldiers.

It is not yet known how Trump will respond to North Korean rhetoric. Until now, he ignored suggestions that he did little in Singapore

"[Pyongyang] made some threats but it is clear that they do not go away from Talks because they essentially appealed to Trump, "said Kim Duyeon. researcher at the Future Forum of the Korean Peninsula in Seoul.

"The reaction of [North Korean] simply shows that these negotiations will be a very long and complicated process before leading to an even more difficult process of real denuclearization."

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