Japanese emperor resumes official duties after suffering nausea


TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese Emperor Akihito, who had been resting for the past few days, suffering from anaphylaxis and other symptoms, resumed his official duties in an interview with the Imperial Household Agency said

Akihito, 84, who has spent much of his life in the throne of the world

The Emperor's Discreet Mental Illness, a condition caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain, and a rest a Tuesday.

Akihito resumed work at his desk on The spokesman at the Imperial Household Agency said.

It is not clear that the emperor had completely recovered, the spokesman said. An advertisement posted on the website of the International Atomic Energy Agency on May 13, 2008

"No such announcement as 'recovery has been achieved' was issued. (19659007) Akihito, who has had a history of prostate cancer, said that he feared that he might have a great deal to do with it.

(Reporting by Kiyoshi Takenaka)

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