Jho Low could ask for asylum if still in Macau – report


Low fugitive businessman Taek Jho may have left Macau or is seeking asylum from Chinese territory, South China Morning Post ( ] SCMP ) today

Daily quoted a security insider in Macao saying that it "makes sense" that Low would consider the gambling center as a sanctuary against the multiple attempts of governments of the region to obtain his arrest and extradition.

The insider said SCMP the 30 days that Low would be legally allowed to stay in the city, which means that his only option would be to make an asylum application to the immigration authorities in order to stay.

"Rumors that it is, or has been, I think it makes sense because, while Malaysia has mutual legal assistance agreements with Hong Kong, they do not have these arrangements with Macau, "said the security officer.

] "However, he can not stay in Macau more than 30 days, and if he went in and out, the government would have expelled him to his third entry into the city."

"Seven weeks is the maximum that he can stay and given the length of the suggestions that he is here, the time has passed.

" There should not be any more Macau.

SCMP stated that the Macao immigration authorities have not yet answered their questions about it

Low has been on the run since the Malaysian police at during the war. 1MDB scandal, and gave slip to the authorities when they pursued it in Hong Kong.

"The last we know that he was in Macao.In fact, the other day we sent our team to Hong Kong, but Upon our arrival, he went to Macau," said Wednesday the Inspector General of Police Mohamad Fuzi Harun

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