March Jul 17, 2018 – 19:07
KEPPEL DC Reit posted a unit distribution (DPU) of $ 1.82 in the second quarter, up 4.6% over the same period a year earlier. 19659003] The increase in distributable income is mainly due to the increased contributions from the Maincubes data center in the Frankfurt area and assets in Singapore and Dublin.
However, this situation was partially offset by the absence of DC Singapore 3 in Tampines, a lower contribution from the Basis Bay data center in Malaysia, as well as higher financial costs and management costs.
Gross receipts in the second quarter jumped 21.5 percent to $ 41.9 million. Net property income climbed 21.4% to C $ 38.1 million
The portfolio's occupancy rate at the end of June was 92%, with less than 5% of leases expiring per annum until the end of 2020. The weighted average maturity of the portfolio lease was 8.8 years.
The net asset value per unit was Singapore 1.01 as of June 30, compared with US $ 0.97 as at 31 December.
On June 12, the Reit Manager completes the acquisition of Keppel DC Reit's fourth asset in Singapore – Keppel DC Singapore 5 (formerly Kingsland Data Center). This broadened Keppel DC Reit's asset base to 15 data centers with combined assets under management of US $ 1.94 billion.
Reit units increased by one cent or 0.75% to $ 1.35 before the results were announced after the close of the market. ] <! –
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