Ketogenic diet can improve the effectiveness of cancer drugs


A ketogenic diet, low in carbohydrates and high in fats, can enhance the effectiveness of an emerging class of anticancer drugs, scientists have discovered, including one of Indian descent.

A study, published in the journal Nature, found a strategy to boost the tumor killer potential of targeted therapies on the enzyme-activated insulin phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) – a family Enzymes involved in cellular functions such as cell growth, proliferation and differentiation.

"Any drug targeting PI3K may not be effective unless patients can maintain low blood sugar levels through diet or medication." We demonstrate that if we maintain insulin with the ketogenic diet, it significantly improves the effectiveness of these drugs. says Lewis C Cantley of Weill Cornell Medicine in the United States

Some of the most common genetic mutations observed in cancerous tumors affect PI3K

The frequency of mutations in the gene has made it an attractive target for drugs against cancer. cancer, and more than 20 treatments that inhibit the PI3K enzyme have entered clinical trials.

However, the results of these trials so far have not been very promising.

Some patients taking these drugs develop hyperglycemia – excessively high blood sugar levels. – This is often temporary because the pancreas compensates by producing more insulin.

The blood glucose levels of some patients do not return to normal and they must stop taking the drugs, the researchers said.

"This study represents a truly innovative approach to cancer, and for decades we have been trying to change human metabolism to make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy or targeted drugs," said Siddhartha Mukherjee, a Center oncologist. Irving Medical from the Columbia University in the United States

.a kind of resistance – at least in animal models – is a total surprise.We are delighted to try this approach in humans, " he said.

To highlight the effectiveness of existing therapies, scientists treated mice with drugs used to treat diabetes and a ketogenic diet.

Few effects on mice, the ketogenic diet, used clinically for about four decades to control insulin levels, has done the best job of preventing glucose spikes and d? insulin and reduce tumor growth signals

". The ketogenic diet has proven to be the perfect approach. Benjamin D Hopkins of Weill Cornell Medicine

"This suggests that if you can block the glucose spikes and the resulting return of insulin, you can make glycogen stores." The researchers warned though that the Ketogenic diet alone can not necessarily help control cancer growth and in some cases can even be harmful, as in the case of some leukemias. "

" We need to make sure that there is no has no unexpected toxicity, "added Cantley

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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