Kimchi, a well-known Korean traditional fermented food, has proven effective against the flu virus, Business News


– Lactic acid bacteria, green onion and ginger in kimchi serve as natural antiviral agents, highly effective in preventing the flu.

– Kimchi has the greatest antiviral effect when it is the most delicious. ] – When the SARS epidemic swept China some claimed that kimchi had protected the Koreans from the epidemic.

– A joint research team from the Korea Food Research Institute and the Kimchi World Institute proved the effectiveness of kimchi for the first time in the world.

SEOUL, South Korea July 26, 2018 / PRNewswire / – Kimchi, a well-known Korean traditional fermented According to a study conducted in collaboration with the Korean Institute of Food Research and the # 39. Kimchi Global Institute, a joint research team recently announced that animal feeds were very effective at preventing influenza virus in winter. The cid bacteria and fermentation metabolites in kimchi inhibit the growth of the influenza virus – thus proving the effectiveness of the kimchi against the flu for the first time in the world, as well as the genetic information of the strains. (metagenome), fermentation metabolites and bioactive mechanism. viruses are pathogens that cause acute respiratory diseases in winter. Swine flu (influenza A), which hit the world in 2009, and bird flu (AI), which has recently infected poultry in some countries, are two strains of influenza viruses. Due to the mutation of the virus, the prevention of flu from these types of viruses is so difficult, and the infections caused by them are difficult to treat as well.

The research team, which includes Dr. Kim, In-Ho (Korea Food Research Institute), Dr. Choi, Hak-Jong (Kimchi Global Institute), College of Medicine of the University of Korea and Dr. Ryu, Byung Hee (Daesang Corp., one of Korea's leading producers), collected samples of kimchi at each stage of fermentation (less fermented, fermented and fermented) and the injected into cells and animals infected with the influenza virus.

In this study, extracts from the kimchi sample The "well-fermented" stage (approximately 3-7 days after making kimchi, when kimchi tastes better) was administered to cells infected with the kimchi influenza virus (H1N1) and avian influenza virus (H7N9). In all cells, plaque formation is significantly reduced, which means that the growth of the influenza virus has been inhibited.

In the animal experiment where mice infected with the flu virus were fed with kimchi extracts, the flu also decreased. In addition, the survival rate of the mice that consumed kimchi extracts was 30% higher than the others.

Kim, In-Ho of the Korea Food Research Institute said, " Lactobacillus plantarum that is produced in large quantities during the fermentation of kimchi, and its sub-ingredients such as green onion and ginger We concluded that the bioactive compounds of lactic acid bacteria produced by kimchi fermentation serve as antiviral agents by affecting the surface of the viral membrane or by rapidly activating immune cell mobilization. He added: " O Our study was the first in the world to scientifically verify the effectiveness of kimchi against influenza viruses such as swine flu and avian influenza viruses, and to isolate lactic acid bacteria Useful and safe kimchi. In other words, this can be applied not only to fermented foods, including kimchi, dough and liqueurs, but also to animal feeds, foods and medicines, and can also be an important milestone in the development of fermented foods. and strains optimized for the constitution of Koreans, through the analysis of the microbial genome and metabolites in fermented foods as well as the mechanism.Thus, we launched new food products in partnership with Daesang corp, aimed at protecting Koreans against modern viral threats. society and strengthen Korea's competitiveness as the birthplace of kimchi. "

In 2003, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) was pandemic in many parts of the world, including Hong Kong and Mainland China . the exception of Korea, where very few people were infected with the virus, some argued that kimchi has an antiviral effect.The results of the study ( Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum killed by the heat against influenza viruses in mice ) were published in the February 2018 issue of the Journal of Microbiology .

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