Kubica: I had signed a Ferrari contract for 2012 – Formula 1


Robert Kubica confirmed that he had signed a racing contract for Ferrari in Formula 1 before suffering the rally crash that seriously injured him and interrupted his career.

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Kubica competed in the Ronde di Andora before the start of the 2011 F1 season, when he crashed into a railing and suffered fatal injuries.

He has not raced in F1 since, although he has returned to the Grand Prix this season for the first time since the GP of Abu Dhabi in 2010 as a driver. test and reserve for Williams having failed to land a seat in 2018.

It has long been thought that Kubica had an agreement to move from Renault to Ferrari for the 2012 season, but this has never been officially recognized by any of the parties in public .

What if the Kubica accident never happened?

Speaking of the official podcast of F1, Kubica revealed that he had considered withdrawing from the Andorran ordeal, but that he did not want to drop the team that has organized the opportunity.

He was also aware that "the team that I had to fly next year, I did not have the right to join me".

Urged by host Tom Clarkson to know he had signed for Ferrari with his partner Fernando Alonso in 2012, Kubica responded: "Yes".

Kubica stated that he had signed a contract with Stefano Domenicali, the director of the Ferrari team, and that he would have earned less money than at Renault.

Kubica said: "[The] The first [goal] is to enter F1, the second is to establish in F1, so you have good value, a good reputation, which is more difficult than entering.

"Third, you win a world championship or become a Ferrari driver.

"I did not win a world championship, I did not become a Ferrari driver but I was very close."

Kubica stated that the knowledge he had lost on a Ferrari move did not make him any more difficult as a result of his accident.

However, he admitted that he was providing "extra pain now".

"My recovery was so hard that during the first 16-18 months, it did not hurt," Kubica said.

"I was fighting, I was focusing on recovery, I was going through a difficult time.

"The more time passed, the more difficult it became, because the hope that things could be sorted disappeared.

"There were times when I recovered extraordinarily well and then there were months when the surgeries went badly and I came back six months instead of improving.

"It was painful [not racing in F1] but it was not more painful because I knew I was going to run for Ferrari."

Kubica said he did not rally "purely for pleasure" and pursued the discipline because he had "the desire to become a more complete pilot, to find something that others did not have." not or that I can improve. "

"I was not happy to be as good as me," Kubica said. "I need more, I thought the rally would give me that.

"And he gave me [that] The problem is that I paid a price too high."

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