Late night guests react to bomb warnings


"You are the president! There has been an attempt to attack two previous presidents today," Colbert said. "It's the only time you can not think of your own tweet ?!"

As for ABC's Kimmel, he read President Trump's statement later that day.

He said: "We must come together and send a very clear, strong and obvious message: threats or acts of political violence have no place in the United States of America," he said. Kimmel.

He then added, "Except for all my gatherings, every time."

Kimmel went on to note: "The types of people who do these things are crazy, so it's hard to figure out what they're thinking about," but he still asked what was the point. interest in sending a bomb by mail.

"Do they really think that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are getting their own mail?" the host asked. "Do they think Bill Clinton is dragging the driveway up to the mailbox in a pair of fuzzy slippers picking up Bed Bath and Beyond coupons? I find this scenario unlikely."

Seth Meyers of NBC spoke about CNN presenters Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto who continued to air on the streets of New York after CNN's evacuation.

"Damn, now it's dedication," Meyers said. "They were anchoring live television, evacuated the building, and then continued to anchor.It's almost as impressive as once Anderson Cooper was swept away by a hurricane so he could make a report of it." l & # 39; inside. "

Jimmy Fallon also spoke about the NBC's "The Tonight Show" bombs, saying that after hearing one of these sent to CNN, Trump asked him, "Fox News OK?"

The host then joked that after the events of Wednesday, Trump – as a precaution – had evacuated to a golf course.

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