Live Updates: Trump-Putin Meeting in Helsinki


million. Trump said a few moments before he and Mr. Putin start their private meeting, that trade and the reduction of nuclear arsenals of their nations would be high on the agenda.

But he did not mention the problem that was bothering him at home. interference in the election of 2016. A few days ago, the Ministry of Justice indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents for hacking to influence the elections.

He did not mention the annexation of Crimea by Russia nor the allegations that she used a nerve agent on British soil. We will have discussions on everything from trade to nuclear and nuclear, "and" a bit about China – our mutual friend, President Xi, "Trump said while he and Putin were posing for photos before going in camera.

"I think we have great opportunities as two countries that, frankly, we do not get along too well," he said, amidst three US flags and three Russian flags. "I think the world really wants us to hear."

"We are the two great nuclear powers," said Trump. "We have 90% of nuclear, and this is not a good thing, it's a bad thing."

He also hailed the organization by Russia of the Football World Cup, which ended on Sunday.

I congratulate you for this excellent World Cup, one of the best ever contested, "said Mr. Trump." It was beautifully done, so congratulations. "

He and Mr. Putin first met only translators in the room, before they met with the present counselors.Hiking from one session to another, Mr. Trump told reporters : "I think it's a good start, very good start for everyone."

President's eulogistic comment came as Americans and Russians ran several hours late for press conference jointly with the two leaders.

12 Russian agents accused of hacking in the 2016 US elections – and British investigators believe that an attack on poisoning perpetrated against a former Soviet spy and his daughter was perpetrated by current agents or of the intelligence service for which they worked. GRU

On Monday, Mr. Trump had not publicly addressed the issue of interference except to accuse the United States of bad relations with Russia.

After reprimanding NATO allies, Trump says they "thank me" [19659015] Mr. Trump, who denigrated American allies at NATO's meeting. last week, wrote that he had "received many calls from NATO country leaders thanking me" for putting pressure on other nations. Keep reading the main story

He did not name the leaders or their countries.

The president was also short of details on his request Thursday that, in response to his requests, other member countries have promised major increases in military spending. He did not name the countries, donated dollar amounts or calendars.

The official communiqué of the meeting committed the countries to the same spending increases that they had accepted four years ago, and the President of France and Mr. Trump declared that no new commitments had been taken.

Trump destabilized the alliance – even seeming to suggest behind closed doors, according to some diplomats, that the United States could withdraw from it – in a way that, according to analysts, could benefit to Mr. Putin.

But in his tweet, Mr. Trump called the summit "really great" and "inaccuracies covered by much of the media".

At a Monday breakfast with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto, Mr. Trump said his tactics had only been to strengthen the alliance.

"I enjoyed being with you a few days ago," Mr. Trump told Mr. Niinisto. "I think NATO has never been so strong – it was a little hard at first, but it turned out to be love." I appreciated your support. "

It was unclear what support Mr. Trump was talking about. Mr Niinisto attended the NATO meeting, but Finland is not a member of NATO, so he would not have been able to help the President to push more military spending. – Julie Hirschfeld Davis

Trump is agitated, and Putin is stony, at the beginning of the meeting

Mr. Trump's body language during this trip alternated between aloof and uncomfortable, with brief moments of warmth – and it was during the meeting of the closest allies of America

M. Trump was sitting with Mr Putin before their private meeting on Monday. , who gesticulates and jokes often in arguing his arguments, seems to be staying in an unusual situation – except for the moment when he makes an inexplicable wink in the direction of the Russian president.

Yet, Mr. Trump appeared agitated beside his stony Russian counterpart, whom he repeatedly praised and tried to flatter before meeting him in Helsinki. In his introductory remarks, he made it again

"First of all, Mr. President, I would like to congratulate you on a very good World Cup," said Trump. "One of the best of what everyone tells me and also for your team, herself, who is doing so well."

During the five-minute photo shoot and brief remarks, Mr. Trump bowed to his chair with his hands making a triangle upside down – a gesture that he made in presence of other leaders in high stakes settings. His head hovered between the cameras and his translator, but he rarely looked at the Russian president.

Compared to Mr. Trump, who leaned toward the cameras, his eyes swaying back and forth, Mr. Putin appeared. tight in his chair. The eyes of the Russian president rarely left the ground, and if they did, they focused on Mr. Trump. His hands rarely left two fixed positions – one on his knees, the other bent back, gripping the chair.

Trump, who called the people's enemy reporters, did not answer questions from the media. When a reporter shouted a question about the falsification of the 2016 election in Russia, Putin's face seemed to turn into a smile. – Katie Rogers

For Putin, a Russian jet, a Russian limousine and a delay

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