Liverpool and Manchester United spend hypocrisy after what they said about Man City – Stuart Brennan


As football snobs go, you'll have a long way to find worse than its bitter rivals Manchester United and Liverpool.

And now Jurgen Klopp has discovered Jose Mourinho's double face bitterly complaining about other clubs' spending Fortunately, the Manchester and Merseyside Reds have become even more alike.

The screams of protest that greet every penny of "oil money" spent by the Blues were as strong at Anfield as at Old Trafford.

And yet, curiously, it seems that in recent years, United and Liverpool have "ruined football".

The Scousers – who face off against City at a friendly pre-season in New York's Maillot Wednesday night – have just exploded the Blues World Records in a calendar year spending about 248 million pounds, about 9 million pounds more than City in 2017.

They now have the world's most expensive goalie in £ 65million Alisson Goalkeeper Alisson has moved to Liverpool for a world record "happy = "" />

Goalkeeper Alisson moved to Liverpool for a world record

They have the world's best defender at Virgil Van Dijk, which cost £ 14million more than Aymeric Laporte City

United has the country's most expensive midfielder – Paul Pogba cost £ 39million more than Kevin De Bruyne – and the most expensive striker, with Romelu Lukaku £ 75million The two clubs that most often point to City for their expenses outrageous, have the market stuck when it comes to inflationary spending.

They also gain the monopoly of hypocrisy, after the remarkable change of heart of Jurgen Klopp

Remember, it was the man who swore to to get away from football if his job was to spend a lot of money. He was referring to United's spending on Pogba, but the implication included City

"Do I have to do this differently?" In fact, I want to do it differently. differently if I could spend that money, "he said two years ago, with an air of Teutonic nobility.

" I want a special team spirit – I do not meaning not is necessary, I want it. "

This was the kind of pseudo-emotional babble that normally ends on one of those banners whose most melodramatic Koppites like as.

But no matter, because Mr. Klopp was recently awakened in the middle of the night by the startling revelation that spending tons of money – a world record anyway – is actually a GOOD thing.

Coincidentally, this road to Damascus came with Liverpool 's board decision to support it in the transfer market with hard money.

His breathtaking hypocrisy, Klopp says that he had simply changed his mind, and made fun of what the world thought, looking a bit like a spoiled schoolgirl

Read More [19659021] Manchester City – Key Information

A After being commended for doing things the way it should, Liverpool spent about £ 248 million on Van Dijk, Allison, Naby Keita, Fabinho and Xherdan Shaqiri

. The following season, the Premier League will be much more interesting

And then Jose Mourinho, who settled in City to "buy backs for the price of the attackers"

The fact that Kyle Walker is 45 million While City wins the title, while Lukaku (75 million pounds) can only draw United at 19 points, he seems to have missed it.

As United and Liverpool drive up prices and break transfers, will City be left alone? Do not count on it.

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