LTA trials system to adjust traffic lights for buses, Latest Singapore News


In the future, public buses stuck in traffic jams could get unstuck sooner with a new system being tested that can adjust traffic light timings in the buses’ favour.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said yesterday that it will trial a Smart Bus Priority System from today till next April.

Bus services 98 and 99, which ply the Jurong area, will be fitted with Global Positioning System trackers that transmit the buses’ real-time locations to a back-end assessment system.

As a trial bus approaches a traffic junction, the system will communicate with the traffic lights and prioritise movement of the bus, if required, by either extending the green light duration or reducing the red light duration in favour of the bus.This will also benefit other vehicles travelling alongside the bus.

After the bus passes the junction, the timing of the traffic light will revert to normal.

LTA said the system, which has a similar concept to one already in place in Australia, is aimed at providing faster and more reliable bus journeys for commuters.

At the end of the trial, data will be analysed to determine whether the system can complement existing bus priority measures, such as bus lanes, B-signals for buses at junctions and bus priority boxes, to improve journey times and reliability. – THE STRAITS TIMES

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