Make educational VR more accessible, Letters on the Web News & Top Stories


The Straits Times’ Virtual Reality (VR) project which gives you an idea of what Singapore will be like in the next century in all this climate turmoil deserves praise (Step into climate-changed S’pore in 2100 with ST’s new VR project; Nov 3).

It is sometimes difficult to imagine the impact of climate change, especially in our own backyard.

This VR project allows participants to experience it through an open-ended exploration of the scenario projected.

In a way, it may also be a more effective call to action.

However, it is a pity the VR event was held at the ArtScience Museum as only a certain demography of Singaporeans would have gone down and experienced it.

If The Straits Times hopes to target those with minimal awareness of the impact of climate change, perhaps it could consider doing exhibitions in places closer to the heartland.

Places like the main atriums of shopping malls or the libraries in the heartland are good spots to reach a more diverse crowd.

Many more can then learn and benefit from this.

Rachel (Ms)

(The writer goes by only one name)

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