May Links Cabinet to Brexit Plan


Theresa May sought to compel domestic critics to publicly support her Brexit policy, sending ministers to defend interests in newspapers and on the air, while opponents on both sides began to report shortcomings. Among the biggest names favoring Brexit within the government, the Secretary of Commerce, Liam Fox, gave his name to a newspaper article supporting the plan, and Environment Secretary Michael Gove has defended the plan. agree in a TV interview. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Boris Johnson announced that he was considering staying in the cabinet because he felt it would be the best platform from which to fight the position of the Government

Photographer: Jeff Overs / BBC

"I am realistic," Gove told the BBC, admitting that he did not like May's whole plan. "And one of the things of politics is that you do not have to, you should not do the perfect enemy of the good." And one of the things about this compromise, is that It unites the Cabinet. "

This Cabinet unit caught unawares the conservative lawmakers who are pushing for a maximum distance from the European Union after the departure of Britain. When details of May's plan appeared last week, they were confident that he would be shot by Gove, Johnson and Brexit Secretary David Davis. In the end, however, Johnson would have described it at the meeting as a "poop", and all were convinced that there was no other feasible proposal.

& # 39; Black Hole & # 39;

The Prime Minister now faces the task of conquering, or at least subjugating, the rest of his Conservative Party. On Saturday night, the most bitter Brexiters were circulating an information document that warned them that it was condemning them to a "Black Hole Brexit" – subject to EU rules but unable to influence them.

"There are a lot of questions in here, there is a lot of discontent," said Bill Cash, who has been fighting for several decades to bring Britain out of the EU. "The question is to know how you are going and will it be a good Brexit? There will be a massive discussion about all this. "

While Cash said that he was not yet personally asking for a vote of confidence in May as leader of the Conservatives, there were reports in the Sunday Times and by ITV … .C & # 39; is risky for May, but also for his critics.It takes letters from 48 conservative lawmakers to trigger a vote of confidence in May, but 159 – half of the parliamentary party – to win.May bets that most of his lawmakers are tired of years of division within the EU and want a position behind them

Compromise Plan

Gove told the BBC that his plan was a compromise. "We have an approach that ends freedom of movement, which distances us from the common agricultural policy, the common fisheries policy, which puts an end to the jurisdiction of the European Court, "he said." We are doing all the things for which we have been campaigning to make sure that we can leave the EU, but we are also doing so in a way that respects some of the wishes and concerns of those of my colleagues who have voted Rest. "

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