Mid-Term Elections in the United States: Democratic Party Wins House, But No "Blue Wave", US News & Top Stories


WASHINGTON – Elections have been closed in more than half of the 50 US states, while the mid-term elections have been seen as a referendum on Donald Trump's presidency.

Fox News, in its projection of the election result, said the Democrats would take control of the House of Representatives for the first time in eight years, bringing a major setback to President Trump's legislative agenda and giving new hope to the Liberals who wish to conduct an investigation. maybe even dismiss the president.

While early trends indicate that the Democratic Party wins in the House, there is nothing to predict the "blue wave" that the party had hoped for. In the best case, it could be a majority for the majority in the House.

Late in the evening on Tuesday, the Democratic Party needed 19 seats to win a majority in the House.

The party was leading in more than 30 Republican districts, but the races remained too close to be followed. The Republican Party seems almost certain to retain its majority in the Senate.

The 435 seats in the House, the 35-seat Senate of 100 and 36 of the 50 state governorates were at stake in the first national elections since Trump seized the White House in 2016.

Voter turnout had been projected earlier in the day at between 48 and 49 percent – possibly the highest in a 100-year run for a mid-term election.

Robust voter turnout is a sign of momentum among voters with President Trump's first two years in office and leadership.

Young voters for the first time and female voters helped to increase voter turnout. This was seen as a preference for the Democratic Party, as younger voters and voters for the first time better reflect the growing diversity of the American population.

Mr. John Zogby, founder of the Zogby International Election, told reporters in Washington: "Democrats are seen as having a three-to-one advantage in the category of young voters."

But on Tuesday night it was clear that if the Democratic Party won, it would only be a narrow victory.

The Republicans, along with Trump at the helm of the prosecution, have been playing on the visceral fear of weak borders and caravans of migrants heading from Central America to the United States, as well as on ghosts. fugitive crime and socialist "crowds", if the Democrats gained ground on his agenda.

The Democratic Party presented the election as a choice between two different Americas: inclusive and inclusive diversity, and another narrow and exclusionary, favoring corporate interests at the expense of ordinary Americans.

Democrats focused on health care, pointing out that Republicans were determined to abolish the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, and replace it with a more restrictive regime outlawing the government. eligibility in cases of pre-existing conditions.

This and the concern that Republicans are withdrawing money from social security schemes, have attracted the attention of voters, according to analysts. But it was not enough to translate into a wave.

Above all problems, there is the president himself – and his own base is loyally fanatic. "Donald Trump is the stake of this election," said Zogby.

"This is a referendum on Trump. He has a habit of doing everything about him and he has been very successful at doing it. "

In the immediate future, the issue is the remainder of President Trump's four-year term.

Democratic Party President Nancy Pelosi said earlier in the day that her party would work with Republicans on issues such as immigration reform when it won the House. But a Democrat-controlled House should still launch a series of investigations and subpoenas, forcing President Trump and the GOP to focus more and more in the United States in the run-up to the race. to the presidency of 2020.

The loss of the House could also revitalize the president's base before the 2020 vote.

According to analysts, President Trump is about to consolidate his position by sending his Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in an attempt to disseminate the investigation led by the lawyer. Special Robert Mueller in a possible collusion with personalities of the campaign of Mr. Trump. team with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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