Mooroopna Man Awareness for MD Australia


The Mooroopna man, Kane Atkinson will participate in Run Melbourne 2018, to raise awareness and fund the Muscular Dystrophy Australia

Kane's nephew, Kyzaiha, has a rapid case of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is the most common muscle disorder. of childhood. Children are confined to a wheelchair at the age of 10 and from there, the situation gets worse every day until they need a respirator.

"A few years ago, Kyzaiha was walking and running like all the other children, now 10 years old and in a wheelchair, he will never walk again, and he will soon need oxygen for the baby. 39, helping to breathe " Kane said," Kyzaiha means the world to me, so if I can sensitize Kyzaiha and many other young boys suffering from Duchenne it would be a He brings a lot of joy into my life and I will do everything I can to leave him an inheritance. Give me free to my page, the money will go to Muscular Dystrophy Australia. "

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