More reconciliations to help Singapore, French companies connect, innovate, Economy News & Top Stories


SINGAPORE – Closer links between start-up and innovation ecosystems in France and Singapore could be in place after a number of recently signed memoranda of understanding between the two countries' representatives.

Industry Chan Chun Sing, visiting Brussels and Paris from July 11th to 13th.

Under the signing of the Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore, Enterprise Singapore and ESSEC, the Singapore Business School and Singapore Campus will lead programs Immersion to help Singaporean start-ups gain access to the innovation and start-up ecosystem in France and to help French start-ups access the Singapore market

in France followed by from a trip to the countryside.

Another memorandum of understanding signed by EDB, Enterprise Singapore, the ACA (Action Community for Entrepreneurship) and the FrenchStartup Creative Valley incubator, will allow the latter two to support French startups and Singaporeans and help them to establish in their respective markets.

These two memoranda are part of the Global Innovation Alliance, launched last year to strengthen Singapore's links with innovation poles around the world, to create more opportunities for students. , Singaporean entrepreneurs and businesses to get closer to their foreign counterparts.

Enterprise Singapore also signed a memorandum of understanding with Bpifrance, an agency responsible for developing French companies by providing assistance and financial support.

This partnership will support French and Singaporean companies in joint innovation projects and commercial expansion in the other market. and explore the coordination of financing instruments to support business development. Networking platforms like EuroQuity from BPI, an online matchmaking platform launched in 2008 that connects businesses with investors and partners; SG Enterprise's Startup SG Network, which will be launched in the third quarter of this year, will also help bring the two entrepreneurial communities closer together.

Minister Chan said in a statement: "The partnerships signed today represent Singapore's ongoing commitment to deepen the innovation links between France and Singapore, as part of the Year of innovation France-Singapore (YOI) 2018. Innovation is at the heart of our competitive advantage, which will allow us to better seize the opportunities of digitization and other technologies Jonathan Lim, director of start-ups and GIA of Enterprise Singapore, said: "The partnerships are aimed at boosting Singapore's startup ecosystem by fostering exchanges between French and foreigners. Singaporeans, particularly at Deptech, also hope to establish more collaborations between Fren Ch companies and Singaporean startups to co-create and co-innovate solutions for Europe and Asia. "

" The long tradition of l & # 39 ESSEC in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation, associated with our historical roots in France and with our international presence in Singapore. Natural champion to bring business communities closer to these important countries, "said Professor Kevyn Yong, Dean of ESSEC Asia-Pacific. "Our goal is to provide an open platform to help companies exchange knowledge, ideas and talent, and thereby foster cross-border collaborations to drive innovation."

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