More white shoes for school kids


SHAH ALAM : The days of cleaning and cleaning white shoes will belong to the past, after the Ministry of Education will have authorized all schoolchildren to wear black shoes during the school session of the year. 39 next year.

Maszlee Malik stated that the decision was made after the ministry took into consideration the views of the parents and guardians he had received after taking the helm

"Many parents, especially mothers, have expressed their opinion. Allow all students to use black shoes, "he said in a talk show" Program Bicara Minda Bersama Mentri Pendidikan "(1965-19002) Maszlee said that the decision to allow schoolchildren to wear black shoes was one of the innovations that will be implemented by the ministry to ensure that parents again choose to send their children to national schools to study.

"Other innovations that we are going to introduce are to ensure a lighter school l bags for students, improving the school curriculum so that national school students are world class. , and the return of the teaching profession to teachers, which means that they will no longer be tasked with tasks other than teaching.

Meanwhile, at a press conference held after the program, Maszlee said the ministry would get more information from the District Education Bureau about Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan's teachers. (SMK) Ketereh, Kelantan who set up a banner. "They could manifest as a last resort to express their dissatisfaction, and I hope that the PPD will not penalize the people involved in the incident," he said. However, he said, such actions are not encouraged because there are appropriate channels for teachers to express their dissatisfaction with the school leader.

"Teachers must try to reso If they do not succeed, they can move on to the next level, the PPD and the ministry," he said.

Commenting on the director's transfer order from school to PPD, Maszlee said that it was the standard procedure as it was under investigation. – Bernama

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