Mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile in three counties of Utah


BOX ELDER COUNTY, Utah – Mosquito samples from three counties in Utah tested positive for West Nile Virus and experts advise the public to take precautions.

said Monday that mosquitoes in Box Elder, Davis and Uintah counties are infected with West Nile virus

"It's the first week in the summer that we have pools positive, "said Rebecca Ward, a health educator from Utah's Department of Sanitary Epidemiology.

According to the Elder Mosquito Box Abatement District, the mosquitoes of Box Elder District came from Willard Sound. North Marina.

"The virus has only been confirmed near Willard Bay so far, but it is possible that the virus is more prevalent at this stage," said the pollution control department in a statement. communicated. "We are announcing this to inform the county that the West Nile virus season has begun."

Ward stated that most people who contract West Nile have no symptoms. "One in five people will develop some of these symptoms – it will be like joint pain, muscle pain and symptoms like that, and maybe vomiting, diarrhea, or rashes," she said. 19659003] She stated that in rare cases West Nile virus can cause serious neurological damage. Ward said the symptoms can develop 2 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. Mosquitoes are most active early in the morning and late at night

. The best prevention, she says, is to avoid mosquito bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants and using DEET, lemon oil or Picaridin. 19659012] [ad_2]
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