MotoGP announced stricter regulations regarding the use of aerodynamic fairings for the 2019 season.
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Since the prohibition of winglets at the end of the 2016 season, MotoGP manufacturers have been experimenting with a more complex bodywork in order to replicate the effects of increasing the strength of off-aircraft aircraft. the law.
Currently, teams are limited to two different refit designs per season: a "standard" version that must be homologated before the start of the season, and an "evolution" that can be introduced to any stadium thereafter. Runners are then free to exchange between the two models.
Some manufacturers – including Ducati – have incorporated multi-section designs, which can be added and removed to meet the aerodynamic requirements of different tracks.
This practice will be outlawed in 2019, according to a statement issued by MotoGP after a meeting of the Grand Prix Commission last weekend in Assen.
It reads as follows: "The Technical Director has issued guidelines on the design of the aerodynamic bodywork and new air box size limits as well as limits to the combination of different parts of the body. bodywork were introduced.
"As a result, current designs will still be allowed, but it will not be possible to remove / exchange important aerodynamic parts."
Another area where stricter limits will be imposed for 2019 is the electronic, especially with the introduction of a "unified inertial platform".
This follows the adoption by MotoGP of a control ECU [Electronics Control Unit] for the 2016 season and aims to clamp down on the practice of teams using the inertial platform – which informs the team. Standard ECU data such as lean angles – different data on what the bike is doing and gaining a potential advantage.
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