MS-13 seen as a threat in the United States by the majority of Donald Trump voters: Poll


A new poll released this week shows that the majority of Donald Trump's voters view the MS-13 as a national threat to the United States

The poll commissioned by Huffington Post and YouGov shows that 85% of voters Trump see the gang as a very serious or rather serious threat. In comparison, only 32% of voters in Hilary Clinton felt that the gang was such a serious threat.

MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, is a criminal gang often cited by Trump and his administration. The origin of the gang dates back to the 1980s in Los Angeles, and it was formed by Salvadoran immigrants from southern California. Many fled civil strife in Central America.

 ] GettyImages-939747500 Homeland Security Investigators ICE officers search an alleged member of the MS-13 gang and a Honduran immigrant after he stopped at his home on March 29 in Brentwood, New York. Overnight and in the morning, federal agents and local police detained suspected gang members on Long Island in a wave of arrests. The actions were part of Operation Matador, a nearly one year anti-gang effort targeting transnational gangs with a focus on MS-13. John Moore / GETTY

The US government began deporting gang members in the 1990s, creating an anchor for the MS- 13 in El Salvador. The group is active in several states, including California, Massachusetts and New York

The Department of Justice estimates that there are approximately 30,000 MS-13 members worldwide, 10,000 in the US United, about 12 years ago. ] Evaluations of several federal organizations conclude that MS-13 is only vaguely organized internationally.

The gang has become a point of interest for the Trump administration. In May, the White House issued a controversial notice titled "What you need to know about MS-13's violent animals". Critics have accused the language used in the release of being racist.

The gang is known for its violent crimes.

"Every day, the brave men and women of ICE release wild gang communities like MS-13. Trump tweeted earlier this month

The tweet suggested that MS-13 had complete control over the city or cities, a

Trump also confused MS-13 with illegal border crossings

"It's been 45 years since the illegal border crossings are at their lowest level, which is great work for our country. 13 thugs »

Several law enforcement officials disagree with the response to MS-13, according to The New York Times stating that this is disproportionate to the the threat. Victims of MS-13 activity in the United States tend to be "immigrant youth, many of whom are undocumented," according to ProPublica

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