Named the best product to prolong life


#img alt = "Eating fish reduces mortality."

Chinese scientists have established that there is a food product that reduces mortality from all causes.

The researchers conducted an experiment with the participation of more of 420,000 men and women.Information on the health of people gathered for 16 years, during which died 54 thousand men and 31 thousand women.

After analysis of the The experts concluded that the fish consumed regularly reduce their risk of dying from various diseases, especially men who ate fish frequently were less prone to mortality from heart and blood diseases.Food consumption reduces the risk of dying from Alzheimer's disease [1945903459003] The authors of the study conclude that consuming fish, rich in omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, reduces mortality. In 2015, researchers at Harvard University in the United States said that eating fish helps to prolong life for two years.

Scientists then said that to maintain adequate levels of beneficial fatty acids in the body, day – enough to consume two servings of fish a week.

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