Named the most beneficial foods for the lungs


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Light smokers will find tomatoes and apples.Scientists say that if you want to improve the condition of the lungs and if you smoke, you will help apples and tomatoes.

The substances used in apples and tomatoes can protect lung tissue from inflammation, which can be caused by tobacco smoke.

"A smoker is always at risk because the smoke causes not only inflammation, but also obstructive abnormalities, which ultimately causes a constriction of the airways. In the end, the lives of smokers are significantly reduced and their bodies begin to encounter specific diseases. To avoid any trouble, a smoker should definitely add tomatoes and fresh apples to your food, "say the authors.

The scientists conducted an experiment on real people, which showed that the lung health of smokers had really improved after their inclusion in the specified products for their diet.

"If you do not want or can not stop smoking, at least increase the dose of tomatoes and apples," the experts conclude.

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