NASA has developed quiet supersonic aircraft.
This writes Newsweek.
The air corridor from East to West coast of America is the busiest in the United States. On a typical day more than 100 aircraft carried out six-hour flight from new York to Los Angeles. Collectively thousands of hours daily that passengers spend in a colorless and lifeless tubes with poor WiFi. And the feeling becomes even worse when you know that technology exists that can reduce these transcontinental flights in half. However, airlines can’t keep using it. Yet.
The main reason for the ban is the noise. When the plane reaches the speed of sound, which is 1236 kilometers per hour, there is the explosion sound that is heard in all directions. The Federal aviation administration of the USA has banned flights of supersonic Airliners in the country since 1973. But NASA believes that finally solved the problem that was irritated by aerospace engineers for decades. The us space Agency has developed a technology that removes the noise when moving at supersonic speed. In April, NASA signed a contract to 247.5 million dollars with Lockheed Martin on the construction of supersonic, but the quiet of the plane X-59 QueSST. It will not intended for the carriage of passengers across all of the United States, but only in order to prove to Federal regulators that it is possible to create a fleet of supersonic aircraft that do not create noise more than regular liners. If the project is successful, government agencies can lift the ban on supersonic flights in the country.
NASA has already completed the basic design of the aircraft, delicate features which reduce its “acoustic fingerprint”. In early November, the Agency plans to begin testing in the skies over Galveston, Texas. Modified military aircraft F/A-18 Hornet will perform a series of maneuvers to create supersonic blasts similar to those that would produce X-59. At the same time, NASA has hired 500 people to register their details with the noise. After collecting the data, NASA will share them with Lockheed Martin, which will build X-59 in January 2019. The goal is to get ready to fly silent supersonic aircraft already in 2021. After the sample space Agency will share their findings with Federal regulators and aircraft manufacturers that will be able to use the development of NASA in their models.
According to project Manager of NASA’s commercial supersonic technology Peter Cohan, based on the design it will be possible to build a passenger patches, which will be able to place on Board up to 100 passengers.
Recall, the experts of NASA who spetsializiruyutsya on the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, said that aliens may be very different in appearance from the representations of the person.
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