NASA scientists captured in space "silhouette of a bat"


Ученые NASA запечатлели в космосе "силуэт летучей мыши"The play of light creates a huge shadow.

The picture was taken by space telescope "Hubble" established in automatic Observatory in Earth orbit. First image posted on the official account of the American space organization and social networks Twittter Wednesday, October 31.

NASA scientists captured in space "silhouette of a bat", which in reality is the shadow of a massive star, called among astrologers HBC 672. The star that gives rise to a unique cosmic phenomenon, is in the nebula Serpen at the distance of approximately 1300 light years from Earth.

Experts explained the origin of "the bat" by the reflection of a layer of dust, ice and rocks surrounding a celestial body. The play of light creates a huge shadow in the shape of the wings, the dimensions of which are 200 times bigger than the Solar system.

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