As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, a new set of allergy symptoms can occur, turning the fall season into a season of sneezing, scratching and irritating eyes. Medications can help alleviate these symptoms, but people with allergies can consider natural ways to fight allergies.
According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, ragweed is one of the most common triggers of fall allergies. Ragweed contributes to "hay fever", a term that describes allergic rhinitis appearing as a symptom of air pollen in the air. Ragweed releases pollen in mid-August and this can continue to be problematic until a deep freezing occurs.
Leaf mold and pollen on dead leaves also cause fall allergies. This is distributed when people are raking or cutting leaves. Classroom pets and chalk dust in schools (although blackboards are largely a thing of the past) are other potential irritants.
The good news is that many natural remedies are as effective as over the counter medications for combating pollen and ragweed problems. Here's how to beat the allergy blues in the fall:
Stay away from pollen. Stay away from pollen and avoid hunting it indoors. Take off your shoes when you walk through the door. Remove clothes worn outside and clean them quickly by taking a shower to wash pollen from the body. Use an air conditioner or keep the windows closed when the pollen count is high.
Increase omega-3 fatty acids. It is well established that fatty acids are good for brain health and cardiovascular well-being. But these acids can also help with allergies. A German study associated foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids with the ability to fight off inflammation, a hallmark of suffering caused by allergies. Foods rich in fatty acids include nuts, flax, eggs and cold water fatty fish.
Rinse the pollen. Use a mild cleanser to rinse eyelids and pollen eyelashes, as this is where it tends to gather after the outdoors. Also use an aerosol saline solution to eliminate excess pollen in the nasal passages.
Take natural supplements. A study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy found that participants taking herbal butter tablets had significant relief from their allergies after only a week. Select herbs from reputable manufacturers who certify them.
Use eucalyptus oil. It is good to have this oil in the house to clean the sinuses and relieve nasal congestion. Mix a small amount with coconut oil and rub on the breast. There is also evidence that adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to cleaning products can help eliminate dust mites in the home.
Wear a mask. When cleaning or gardening, wear a mask to reduce the inhalation of specific allergens.
Avoid seasonal allergies by exploring natural ways to prevent or relieve symptoms.
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